This is a work-in-progress. Feel free to ask questions below; the good questions will be added to this FAQ.
Note: number may change and FAQ might not be always up-to-date.
Q: How is the number of plutonium in a round determined?
1. The sum of weights of all players is calculated. The weight of players is based on their rank and how actively they play in this round (not sitting in a house, actively gaining score). Low-rank or inactive players have weight close to zero, while active high-rank players have weight up to 3.
2. The number of plutonium is determined based on the total weight of all players. The dependency is non-linear. It's 0 plutonium per weight 0, 1 plutonium per weight 20, 3 per weight 100, 10 per weight 1000. The numbers in-between are linearly interpolated. The fractional number of plutonium is randomly rounded. For example, 1.3 plutonium means 70% chance of 1 plutonium and 30% chance of 2 plutonium.
3. The expected number of plutonium is adjusted every few seconds based on the current weight of players.
Q: How is the number of chests with perks in a round determined?
A: The same as plutonium, except the dependency is different: 0 chests per weight 0, 20 chests per weight 100, 60 chests per weight 1000.
Q: How is the number of bosses in a round determined?
A: The same as plutonium, except the dependency is different: 0 bosses per weight 0, 0.05 bosses per weight 20, 0.1 bosses per weight 100. This is independent for each boss. Note: because of random rounding, 0.05 bosses means 5% chance of one boss and 95% chance of no boss.
Q: How is the number of football/soccer balls in a round determined?
A: "?" boxes have 1/7 chance to spawn a ball; "gift" boxes have 1/5 chance to spawn a ball.
The maximum number of balls existing simultaneously in one room is limited. In the latest version on EU it's (1 + 1 per (32*32) map tiles). When this number is reached or exceeded, no new balls are spawned. As soon as the number of balls decreases below that limit, they can appear again.
Q: What are the chances of getting a powerup from a silver, gold or diamond chest? What's best to buy?
A: Here are the numbers:

Silver chests give more total perks, but fewer powerups per fixed amount of gold. Diamond chests give less total perks, but more powerups per fixed amount of gold. Gold chests are in-between. What's more efficient to buy depends on one's priorities, but neither of the chests is unanimously better or worse than the others.
Q: What are the ranks and how much score do the require?

Rank 1 requires total score 1024 and each consecutive rank requires 2 times more total score than the previous one.
Q: Can we return, sell, exchange or transfer to another account skins or perks?
A: No.
Q: I forgot the password. Can I restore it?
A: Yes, you can. Log out the game, then click "Recover password" and enter the e-mail associated with the account. The new password will be sent to the e-mail automatically.
Q: I forgot the password and don't have or forgot the e-mail. Can I restore the password?
A: Contact
@Excuse_Me, he might restore the access if you prove that it's your account. Because verifying such claims takes time, starting from June 2019 it costs 50 plutonium.
Q: I want a particular nickname, but it's already taken. Can you make it available again if no one uses it?
A: Contact
@Excuse_Me, he might free the nickname, but only if it belongs to a rank 1 account that hasn't played in years and never purchased plutonium. Freeing a nickname costs 50 plutonium.
Q: Are you going to limit or remove guests?
A: No. It is a final no. The explanation is
here. Furthermore, because it was answered so many times and spammed in unrelated topics, according to the
forum rules, posting about removing or limiting guests may lead to a forum ban without additional warnings.
please rephrase the question.