When are you going to get rid of fake newbs?

Everyone is tired of the fake guests cloggin up servers, when will the devs address this issue?
I see all of this work going into other facets of the site, but fake guests persist.
They shouldn't be allowed to collect plutonium, medals, etc.


  • edited January 2017
    This was answered many times on the old forum.

    First of all, let's distinguish between "fake newbie" (a registered low-rank account of an old player) and a guest.

    About "fake newbs"
    We completely agree that it's bad to create many accounts. It is against the game rules. We periodically ban people who create many accounts and/or remove their plutonium. But they are not always easy to discern from legitimate new players, it takes a lot of time, so some of them are still there. If it looks like someone is spamming fake accounts, let me know, send any info that can help (screenshots, nicknames, date, time, room etc.), and I'll take measures.

    About guests
    A guest is simply a person playing anonymously. It doesn't imply any particular level of skill or lack of a registered account. Guest ≠ newbie. There is no such thing as "fake" or "not fake" guests.

    Guests are already severely restricted: no chat and forum, no skins, fun meter is capped at 50%, perks from chests are not saved. They can't be used for text trolling. They simply play. Just think of guests as advanced bots with human intelligence (of an unknown skill level) and show them no mercy. If a guest plays better than you and takes prizes - well, play better next time.

    Some people want to play anonymously (at least sometimes) and will do it no matter what. If we disable guests or place even more restrictions on them, it'd force these people to create multiple registered accounts, which is much worse, because it can be used for trolling, low registered rank is more misleading than a guest, and may occupy a good username. So guests remain as a safe and legitimate option for anyone wanting to play anonymously, a better alternative to creating new accounts.

    Another reason is that some people feel reluctant to register on sites and skip all sites that require registration without giving them a chance. Guests allow them to start playing and register later when they start liking the game.

    Guests are going to stay and no arbitrary restrictions (such as no medals) will be added. This is the final answer and it's not up to debate.

    As an irony, most (if not all) players who continue posting this issue on the forum, are severe chat trolls and/or makers of multiple accounts (maybe it's even one person), which is way worse then playing as a guest (which is harmless, really). Any further messages about it from any player may lead to a forum ban without additional warnings.
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