Why do you get muted for questioning the skills of perkers?

Why are you not allowed to tell a perker they paid 2 win, when they brag about winning? If somebody is using auto shield perk and gets the pluto and kills you in the process, is there something wrong with pointing out that result would not have occurred without the perk? Grow thicker skin if such things offend you, otherwise you will not excel in real life.
Thanked by 1 qtpie


  • Well the game runs off of people buying perks, and you can stack up a lot of perks without even spending money. If you have 20+ hours of shield generator saved up from playing everyday, why not use it? Also the shield perk is almost useless in plutonium battles... since your pretty likely to bounce anyway. Its really just a rule not to discriminate because of perks.

    If you know you keep getting muted for calling someone a perker, or making fun of people that use perks. Then you should accept that it breaks rules for you to do that (regardless of whether or not you think its a good rule). So just avoid saying anything that would insult people for using perks.

    Its different if your talking about the balance of shield generator, or if you were discussing how you would of designed it... but there's no real point in insulting somebody just for using a part of the game. (Its not even blocked off by a pay wall, you don't need to spend money to use the same thing)

    also how do you know the person paid for the shield generator?... everyone has a lot of that stacked up (you get like 4 hours a month - even if your not grinding gold in teamplay or plutonium in hardcore to buy chest)
    Thanked by 4 Gally ham Excuse_Me syme
  • https://forum.gameofbombs.com/discussion/10/chat-and-forum-rules#latest

    Please be sure to read chat rules located in this forum post!
    Thanked by 2 ham Gally
  • you people are the reason only mods post here. this forum is beat.
  • Please elaborate @skank
  • If people are being banned for making any sort of discussions, that is anathema to all free speech-loving Americans. Russia values censorship more, but those values will not translate into a lot of American support of GOB as the owners presumably crave.
  • edited August 2017
    It's been answered hundreds of times.

    Perks are a part of the game, just like bombs, bat, etc. Of course, they help, just like bombs, bats, etc. - it's their purpose. Players have a right to use all game features and play without being accused and harassed for that in the chat. There is a fine line between "questioning skills" and harassment for using perks, and it almost always gets overstepped. If you do it, you get warned and/or muted, just like for any other type of trolling.

    Freedom of speech ≠ freedom to harass and troll players.
This discussion has been closed.