This topic has been discussed before I believe but I'll bring it up again for the heck of it! I apologize if this was brought up elsewhere on the forum ...
It would be nice if medals had a higher reward than simply just getting one! Perhaps a reward of coins or score added on to your total score for the round? It doesn't have to be some crazy amount ... it'd just be nice!
I said in the original post that it would be nice if medals had a greater reward then simply just getting one ... the issue is that only a medal is given as stated in the original post
Mmhm! I believe a score multiplier would be too much... 20 kills gets you 400 score assuming no perks to multiply score are used. 400 x 4 is 1600! That's a lot of score! I think that score multipliers would give too much score and would make getting higher ranks a little too easy ...
It would be cool if ranking up didn't take so long, but that's the way it's always been for everyone. It's meant to be hardcore.
Anyway, that's just my opinion. I still need over 8 million points for the next rank. xD
if it took your current stats and did that, I would be far in the negative ranks xD
I'm one of those who play 5 years+ and are still 1 star.
I'm one of those players that has only played for a little under a year and is already 44% of the way to 1 star (from the previous rank)
When you pick up a pluto you get 3 things: pluto added to your account, 500 points, and another "plutonium found". When you score a goal you get 3 things: a goal, 120 points, and 100 coins (I think that's the correct amount?). When you get a medal, that's all you get.
It kinda makes playing for kills on your account less valuable than focusing on goals or pluto. I'm not saying goals and pluto should be less valuable, but maybe it would be more balanced if playing for kills and medals were worth more than they are now?
Some people have higher education and don't need to worry about ranks in video games @KCG_Ryuzero like you and me, also a lot of players switch between 1-2 accounts maybe even a guest account so a lot of points get divided between the accounts. Do I even need to mention a lot of 1 star players didn't use a single perk to get where they are while the two star and above most used a ton of perks to double scores, shield suicide etc. So really blabbering on about how long someone is at a certain level doesn't do a whole lot in real life, and really no one gives a crap. It's just a game.
Why would I want to taint my stellar reputation and good looks with perks? If I used perks I would just be letting my millions of fans down.