This thread is for the owners of personal rooms. How to configure the rooms, edit maps, etc.
For the general discussion about personal room and the last update and features accessible to all players, please, post to
this thread.
New 06 April 2017: /replacetile command, /mirrormap command, arenas. Read about arenas in my 2nd post below.
New 26 April 2017: "odd" option for /mirrormap allows mirroring maps with central structure of odd size.
New 27 April 2017: /restoremap and /shiftmap commands added.
12 players who have donated 50$ or more for the PvP arena project received a personal room. Nicknames (in no particular order):
During the test, it's on the DEV server. Later they will be able to choose any other server.
The personal rooms are not active on the server all the time. Instead, they appear when an owner appears (starting from the next round) and disappear one hour after the owner has left the server. This is to prevent "rooms overdose" on the server. If this turns out not to be a problem, we'll increase this time.
There are two ways to configure the room.
1. Options can be configured thorough the "Personal room" menu. The options names are quite self-explanatory, so I won't list them all here. Feel free to ask any questions about them. The options are always available for watching and editing, even when the room is not active on the game server. If you change the options, the effect will take place only in the next round.
2. Maps can be edited in the game. First, you need to enter the game server and wait until the next for your room to appear. After that, you can enter commands to the chat to edit and save the map.
There are 9 slots for saved maps, numbered from 1 to 9. You can see the list of the currently saved maps (so far, only their sizes) and delete maps on the "Personal room" page. To save maps, use the commands inside the game.
Here are the commands:
Switches the room to the editing mode. Portals are temporarily closed, all the players are teleported away from the room. Until the editing ends, no one can enter the room. Owners temporarily receive "Builder" perk that works only in their room. To use the builder perk, click on the tiles in the popup window and then click on the field. Press "5" to show/hide the Builder window.
/editmap <room_name>
Use it if there are multiple rooms available for editing. For example, on the DEV server, you can enter /editmap Arena_16 or /editmap Arena_24
Switches the room from the editing mode to normal. Portals are opened and players can enter again. Builder perks are removed. Note: when opening the room, the map is not automatically saved to the database. If you want to save it, don't forget to use /savemap command before opening.
To start editing, your character must not be on the game field (if you are on the field, enter /obs first).
All the commands below work only in editing mode.
Saves the current map to the current map slot (which can be chosen on the options page)
/savemap <number from 1 to 9>
Saves the map to the specified slot.
Load the map from the current slot.
/loadmap <number from 1 to 9>
Load the map from the specified slot.
Fills the map with the default tile (grass)
/fillmap <tile name>
Fills the map with the specified tile. Tile names can be seen in the Builder window. For example, /fillmap bush_hollow
/replacetile <tile name2> <tile name2>
Replaces all tiles of one kind with another kind. For example, /fillmap bush_hollow grass
/mirrormap left
/mirrormap right
/mirrormap up
/mirrormap down
Copies one half of the map into another half (mirrored). It helps quickly create symmetrical and balanced arenas. If you specify "left" in thecommand, then left part is copied into the right part.
This command supports 2 additional options:
1. flip - flips the copied side (so the corners are copied into oppsite corners).
2. odd - ignores the rightmost column and downmost row and treats the map as if it has an odd size.
Examples of usage:
/mirrormap left flip
/mirrormap right odd
/mirrormap up flip odd
/shiftmap dx dy
Shifts the map by dx tiles horizontally and dy tiles vertically (dx, dy - integer numbers).
Restores the map to what it looked before the last /mirrormap, /fillmap or /replacetile command. It's useful if you accidentally destroyed a map. Note: it works only in the same round and only if the map wan't opened and another map wasn't loaded.
Gives another player a temporary Builder perks that works in your room. You can invite any number of player to help you draw the map. The invited players can edit the map, but can't use console commands.
Removes all builders that you've previously given to other players.
Editing mode, temporary map changes and Builders given by /addbuilder are remembered as long as the room is active (the owner hasn't left the server for a long time). Editing automatically resumes in the next round. After the room deactivates, only the changes saved with /save command are remembered.
/choosemap <room_name>
If multiple rooms are opened for editing simultaneously, this command selects one of them as the room you are currently editing. All of your subsequent commands (such as saving or filling) will target this room.
Note that tiles containing loot (crates and chests) are limited. They have a value (from 1 to 4) and the sum of all values in the personal room can not exceed 10. It's to keep the maps balanced.
To all personal rooms owners: let me know at which normal server do you want your room to be located (EU, US, BR, RU, JP, ID, AU)
PvP/PvM maps can't be loaded on arena and vice-versa (because of teleports and portals). We recommend choosing a new "Selected saved map" to avoid overwriting existing PvP/PvM maps.
To make the arena function, you need to create 2-4 places for players inside the arena to spawn. In the current testing version, nice sprites of teleports are not drawn yet, so these places are marked simply with "O". Yellow "O" is for players without a team, red "O" - for the red team, blue "O" - for the blue team.
The possible combinations are:
- two yellow O (a death-match between 2 players)
- three yellow O (a death-match between 3 players)
- four yellow O (a death-match between 4 players)
- two red O and two blue O (a death-match between 2 teams of 2 players each).
- three red O and three blue O (a death-match between 2 teams of 3 players each).
Note: teams on arena have nothing to with the teamplay room; players will be given new teams when they enter the arena.
To create symmetrical maps (which are good for arenas), /mirrormap command is useful. Of course, an arena doesn't have to be symmetrical.
If the necessary starting points are added, the map can be saved, opened and ready for death-matches!
For the information about how to play on arenas, see this thread.
This porject is over, as far as I know. You cannot buy new rooms anymore. You can enter someone else's room if they have made it public... [and they are playing]
Galli, I spent 105 rubles on the project. Client for the desktop. Can I transfer this amount to the PvP Arena?
I finished with /savemap and exited /obs mode by pressing space and played a bit in the main server, however, in the next round, the room was still closed and I automatically entered edit mode again.
I like your personal room.... play more and we can visit your room