please ban these losers ruining game for everyone. You can see tons of fake players no kills but many deaths.
35 ~guest88122 002
36 Ekul 002
37 savege101 002
38 ~player46765 003
39 ~guest19977 075
40 ~guest12517 008
41 ~player46773 009
42 ~guest76607 0010
43 ~guest41916 0019
We've added some IPs blocking and made it necessary to finish the tutorial before spawning in normal rooms for all players who haven't finished the registration.
Issue with that is you spend 30 seconds doing tutorial and then you can keep on playing. If you made users go back to registration they would have to register! It would create more users who stay and block the fake people.
That's change nothing in the game dude. A player, fake or not fake stay a player . If they are better than you, they will kill you.
So stop crying in the tchat or doing a nth post about that.
Desactive your perks to play with your own skill and slowly to increase your skill.
Then fake players will be less annoying because you can kill them more easily.
And one day you will thank me for showing you the way or wisdom and to have calm your mind about fake players.........or maybe not but i don't care
Complain about people who use too many perks = ban. So rather not state the obvious of what everyone who cares about their stats thinks.
Fake players with no tie to the game don't care about stats so they don't care if they suicide you and block all the shit you're trying to do. It's obvious the devs have realized their behavior is bad and frustrating people enough that they quit the game. Most do not say anything because of fear of retribution from mods like Gally who retroactively hunt through chat logs and forum looking for reason to ban people.
I do not use the perks so I have no idea what you are crying about with deactivating.
-It's so hard to find smart people these days.
Coming from someone who uses multiple guest accounts. Why do you have to jump on other accounts to showcase your skills, why not do it on your regular account? what is there to hide or why hide behind a guest name ayy? you already have an established account. or is it that you have some reputation you don't want to damage, or having a new account gives you freedom to do anything without any backlash because no one knows who you are? Come on...
OH So guess not surprised that user is fake guest user!! Thanks for pointing that out, was wondering why so angry.