a new month has started. i collected everything what we needed. its already Thursday.. just what the heck u need to give us a damned promising information??? this reunion will NEVER HAPPEN.. RIGHT??? U just keep talking but then wait till everybody forget everything about it... JUST LIKE THE STUFF WITH DESCTOP CLIENT. right?? pfff
they got double money, and they had 3 years and still working on it.. seems legit. and whats happened with the progress forum? where the dev explain us how does the project going so far? in the old forum they said they will give us updates and infos about the project.
A cool idea if they want to make this event more like a "tournament", is make it a "last man standing" type of match, like the original bomberman games. Have a series of matches, and whoever gets a certain amount of wins first is the champion. There could be different modes of these tournaments too, besides kills. There could be ones that focus on only goals, or only pluto.
dont be so harsh Nevada. the thing i see about it is...if you have an idea dont give up it will come true somehow just keep pushing it ideas are good there are no bad ideas.
@server_down for president! ill be here, but not going to play tho. and maybe ill forget xd who knows xd but ill really try my best. but question am or pm? XD
I've never been away (addicted since 2013 )... so sure I'd be in if there's another event. Social media might not be the best way to reach old school players, but I wouldn't mind getting emails!
I'll be on Sunday 27th of May at 9.00 GMT, whoever wanna join is more than welcome (EU server)
Sorry I missed this and props for making something happen.
...am i late?
I've never been away (addicted since 2013