glorytoua wrote: »
_TrueQ_ wrote: »
If you really feel this way, why do you still play here?? You do know the owner of this site is Russian?? Just play, do not buy pluto (not possible at this moment) and leave politics out of this game. Or just…
glorytoua wrote: »
_TrueQ_ wrote: »
If you really feel this way, why do you still play here?? You do know the owner of this site is Russian?? Just play, do not buy pluto (not possible at this moment) and leave politics out of this game. Or just…
If you really feel this way, why do you still play here?? You do know the owner of this site is Russian?? Just play, do not buy pluto (not possible at this moment) and leave politics out of this game. Or just go away and return after the Russian in…
Yes, if you go away. With your swearing with deadly diseases all the time, getting mad about getting killed (which is the point of this game) etc. etc., your departure would be a blessing for us all. Nobody will help you (except Jenova I guess). And…
x_sheep wrote: »
neutronStar wrote: »
@sesmero aka sextroll blocked me, why would he do that, feels bad when trolls block me
Why would you care? He blocks me too, and more ppl do. If these ppl are of no consequence or friends of you, I wouldn't…
neutronStar wrote: »
@sesmero aka sextroll blocked me, why would he do that, feels bad when trolls block me
Why would you care? He blockes me too, and more ppl do. If these ppl are of no consequence or friends of you, I wouldn't care a bit I kn…
Using the "Boss perk" should be inline as it's rarity / as hard to get it. Plus, imho it's not to be used consecutively as this player (z) using does at least today. As said, this perk makes the user almost impossible to defeat as well it's very di…
bombermina* wrote: »
didn't we also have more bombs and range back then?
and I still don't know how to chain
it's doable, but a smooth, flawless chain is hard
Waste no time on players like Io, @_DelaY_ he has always been like that. Apparently, u are to use the "ignore" function (and shut up), while in my opinion a site-owner has his own responsibility for ensuring pleasant gaming environment for everyone…
Players that complain or come crying here are almost always bullies or trolls themselves. That certainly applies CaptainHervert (with him flooding chat with "Putin" and with other accounts). They have themselves to blame. The two previous posts are…