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  • Stranger_Butts wrote: » There has been an update of Firefox (v.124.0) last night. Map looks fine now♥ Yeah, it's back to normal! Gally wrote: » Try ctrl+F5? Firefox works for me (I just tested it) but I usually play in chrome. I tried that …
  • I'm here for that exact thing and couldn't find the other post that was mentioned. For about 2 weeks now, the game has looked like this to me: walls, bushes, chests - all the same, no textures. Tried reloading and clearing cache, but seems like …
  • Well.. as a last hope before playing Candy Crush, I studied @Excuse_Me 's opening post a bit more carefully – and the solution in my case was just trying Chrome. 700ms less ping lol! sesmero, prepare your vocabulary (and creativity) about my fami…
  • Cheers bombers, I've been more or less out for half a year due to extremely bad internet connection. Now that the day has arrived and I'm back with a 250Mb fibrewire connection, hoping to kick noobs like sesmero back into the realms of the underworl…
  • Churretin wrote: » and what about lgtb friendly He's actually quite ok... if you mute him
  • Who knows, maybe CCRNHNSGANCZCNERR is supposed to be a good thing after all and our homosexual families could benefit from Io's wishes! Sure, the ignore function is a blessing - still I would really appreciate it if such behaviour had other cons…
    in Bye. Comment by Schob May 2020
  • Yeah maybe I'm lacking expert anatomy knowledge to differ k*nt from c*nt but I do understand the difference between having deaths and being a suicider. Maybe all that running makes you paranoid... Appreciate the apology though. Still weird I can…
  • Isn't it possible to delete that comment? ;/ After being called a suicide c*nt by the above person for no reason, I'm more interested in wrecking him up than cheering for his one man party...
  • Whoa good job! Interesting chat history too, hermert's full repertoire of communication. ;D
  • "die is your family" - such a waste, that dude. lol
  • Everyone blocked you in the chat and you can't play. I sense a lot of failing here, 'captain'...
  • Gally wrote: » I wish... You wish you hadn't killed me for my ball right after I scored two goals for you... 'Infinite dying' mode reactivated for your gameplay experience
  • server_down wrote: » @bombermina @Slovakia_ @ToddHall @newbieking @syme @Mr_Lover_Lover @Borsch1 @peee @HapSHaps @BosSnian_guy @BTOOOMKill @Schob @Hagelslag @dinobiscuits @ESPANYOL some of the old buddies I could think of, that might be intereste…
  • lol wtf
    in Putin Comment by Schob December 2019
  • server regulates! thx
    in Bye. Comment by Schob August 2018
  • I don't know where to put this but it would be nice if someone could make this guy enter stfu mode... he's been annoying like that for years and no one should have to read that garbage. Everyone knows him. i'm…
    in Bye. Comment by Schob August 2018