I've always used this name, it's maximus because i joined in this game at 2013, the year that Máxima Zorreguieta became Netherlands queen. She was born in Argentina so it was a great news here in my country, when i heard her name i liked it and i wa…
I've noticed that sometimes bots walks in a few blocks in zigzag, when two bots are together, they 'hit' themselves.
I was playing a few days ago when i became nyan cat, but in the square of top left corner appeared 'SHORT FLAME' . When i pressed…
You're welcome, i just want to help.
I know that the perk have a cooldown, i couldn't use it despite having available turrets to use (at least that's what screen showed), thanks for the explanation about the teleport. I forgot to tell you that bot…
Se podría hacer un servidor de América como en Europa tienen el suyo? No se como funciona ese servidor pero supongo que han unificado sus servidores. Aunque ahora solo exista el servidor US y BR estaría bueno que si alguna vez vuelve el servidor chi…
Happy moments are easier to remember. One of my happiest moments: We were all circling around us without killing, i take the screenshot when the round was over.