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  • > Seems like the creator is not doing his work. I don't think it's his main work. We don't pay anything for this game too, so your message sounds a bit offensive.
    in Game Comment by Serega December 2017
  • why no halloween-pumpkins in game?
  • Yes, it's very annoying thing (though it happens not so often) I hope devs will fix it. Players shouldn't leave current room because of radiation effect.
  • pwnyy wrote: » I'm not sure what you're asking? There is no part about glorious victories of Cheburashkas. My ears are sad
  • And why is there no part devoted to ears?
  • It's very fun to kill other players while they stand on teleports Just try it)
  • Все описанное происходит при игре на сервере RU. Я не наблюдал в консоли чего-то еще, что можно явно классифицировать как ошибку. Также не могу на 100% точно утверждать, что есть прямая причинно-следственная связь между проблемами при коннекте к это…
    in Лаги Comment by Serega June 2017
  • @Nevada but it's very fun for hunters, to kill people on teleports)
    in Ideas~ Comment by Serega June 2017
  • I think, players should be able to select in profile settings, in which room they want to start a game. There is a problem, that player respawns at the beginning of new round in the room he finished playing in the previous round. And then player dig…
  • @Nevada, it's important that all players should have a possibility to try to kill a mimic and take a pluto. But in monsters room people can't kill other people and in team room people from one team can't kill each other. That's why mimic shouldn't …
  • I think, it should be forbidden for mimics to go at least in monsters room (and maybe, in team room too). In monsters room it's almost impossible to kill mimic, so it's very easy for them to take pluto.
  • И еще момент - как теперь раздаются медали? Во многих раундах, в которых я участвовал, одна золотая медаль отдавалась игроку из командной игры с небольшим числом убийств, и в обычной комнате оставалась только одна золотая медаль. Кажется, не очень к…
  • 1) less teams with more equal numbers of players 2) smaller teamplay map with less flags
  • Excuse_Me wrote: » Вы можете просто не заходить в порталы и на арену и играть точно так же, как и раньше. Заходить в порталы никто не заставляет. Если игнорировать порталы и арены, это все тот же режим игры. Не согласен с этим утверждением. 1) М…
  • _Salty_ wrote: » Suggestion: while waiting for match to start (thus: while one is sitting still), it should not be possible to get killed by bombs from others. Players who are waiting for game start, must defend themselves. I think, several playe…
    in Arenas Comment by Serega May 2017
  • It's the English forum xD. But yes, I agree, it was easier to run and kill all players without new mixed room =(
  • There's no possibility to undo last action. So I have incorrect mirrored map and filled part of map was overwritten with empty part My ears are so sad... Also it has a sense to explain in your post how /mirromap works: is source or target part of …
    in Arenas Comment by Serega May 2017