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  • player145
    Are you still here? I hope so, I really miss hanging out with you man. It has been so long since I last played this game. I really just want to chat and hangout with you. If you're still playing this game and by chance are willing to, could you please spend a moment of your time to talk with me? I have been checking on this website every day for the past 4 months, and I would really appreciate if you could.
    June 2020
  • player145
    ...friend? Is that you? It's me player145, long time no see. I missed out on a lot, I am sorry for not being there for you after all this time but I have been busy and have spent the last two years trying to get on this website again. I am back now but I am done with pretending to be a medic. I just want to go back to playing this game with my closest friend. Can you forgive me for my absence?
    June 2019
    • Raccattack
      Hey bro been too long. Heh good luck finding a time when im online. God i miss school. Anyway good too see ya
    • player145
      Tell me, what did I miss since I left?
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    June 2019
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    June 2019
  • Ruffy_
    February 2019
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    February 2019
  • Merry christmas all
    December 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    November 2018
  • meow to you all my friends. lets have fun and work hard :)
    March 2018
  • Im sick of the constant crap I get from players on here. Ive about had it with trying to be nice to players and then get hated for no reason whatsoever. what is wrong with you people? ive been nothing but nice and i get harsh words and shunning. well if being nice isnt gonna work then ill be like all the rest.
    May 2018
    • ChickenDinner
      The thing that sucks about this being such a small game is that if someone hates you, they will find you every single time you're online. And then try to ruin the game for you in one way or another. On other games, you can just change servers, and never see someone again (but can still play with friends) lol. I'd say just ignore them, but they'll probably just create a million accounts and keep coming back.
    • Raccattack
      I wish that wasnt true...but it probly is. thx chickendinner
    • ChickenDinner
      Giving them a reaction usually only makes things worse. But it's so hard to just grin and bear it when you see the same people all the time.
    • Raccattack
      THANK YOU. now someone knows how I feel. you hit the bullseye right there man thats exactly how I feel
    • ChickenDinner
      I'm the hero Game of Bombs deserves, but not the one it needs right now. lol
      I don't think people will hate you for constant chatting... (I chat quite a lot while I play), people just don't like to have to deal with a lot of negativity while they are playing I think.
  • hava a happy summer all :)
    June 2018
    • pwnyy
      Bye dude, have a good summer!
  • ok i have a quick question: does that referral program even work? just wondering :)
    May 2018
    • Raccattack
      ok so i guess it doesnt
    • pwnyy
      It works, you need someone to use your referral link to get to the registration page.
  • I cant remember the last time i actually had fun on this game. this has been the most fun day ive had in a while. i will truely miss this game when i have to leave :(
    May 2018
  • payback is delicious...>:)
    May 2018
  • It has become clear to me that i cant do or say anything without it being turned against me by ************ from squad names to chat he copies it all. and i have tried to bear this as long as i could but I have reached my limit. I know the advice is to ignore but some people are persistent. can anyone help me please! I know that hes doing this on purpose but i dont know how to stop him or talk to him reasonably. someone help me
    May 2018
  • school is coming to an end and a few weeks are left and my almost full time player status will be no more for a while until i get internet and return. lets try to make the most of the next few weeks i want to leave on a good note. :) this game is really great regardless of the toxicity.
    May 2018
  • _JENOVA_
    nice image cat :)
    May 2018
  • Ok so I have misunderstood things big time. I never realized my chatting was making people angry. Im sry everyone i just want to be a friendly player. to all the players I may have angered with my constant sorry. I hope I can make up for it by being a better player. and probly getting killed 20 times a round.
    May 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    May 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    May 2018
  • why do you guys hate me so much what did i ever do to you?! @leserge @Mustache_Fart
    May 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    May 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    May 2018
  • I dont wanna be hated. please if theres anyone out there who hates me im sorry!! i wanna at least be a good player who gets along with others. you dont have to be my friend but I at least wanna get along with you. I wana be a happy player i dont wanna be hated is that too much to ask? because to some players it apparently is. If you hate me at least tell me why. i wanna make up for it. im a good person i promise. :)
    April 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    April 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    April 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    April 2018
  • bye
    April 2018
    • Slayie
    • Raccattack
      im getting enough of poopkirbys coycatness. eh ill be leaving in june so i might as well try and deal with it till i actually do leave.
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    April 2018
  • Raccattack changed their profile picture.
    April 2018