I really do feel bad for you man, I don't know how to put it. At this point I see you are simply obsessed with trying to prove yourself against me, along with a couple others lol. If its not with perks, or senseless double teams, you simply chase me. I wont engage, we have established your skill and I simply wish you the best. It seems you need this "win" over me, and will do anything to reach it, thats fine. I wont address it anymore, it's just not fun. Be well.
may be a student studying at school? may be an university student? may be a master/PHD student? may be an adult working now? doctor/lawyer/teacher/bankers/accountant/welder/electrician/Nurse/analyst/Data Scientist/Sales Associate/driver/self-employed..... etc/
may be unemployed person/ may be retired...
You mentally ill, seriously it's not possible
You picked a piece and didn't address the whole thing, I see that's a touchy subject, your actual life. And using successful professions and worthwhile life goals, something you don't do, only affirms that. You're empty, and it's painfully obvious. See, a potential profession or past time doesn't minimize my opinion of you in any way. That isn't the point, as I judge you solely on your actions. In fact this response only confirms that you are indeed, a misguided adult seeking something. You obsessively want to beat me, because you need too beat me, to justify something that is missing. And if you need a video game as a confirmation of anything in your life, you are indeed a fractured person, simply lashing out. You lost a game, and took it personal, and its been with you all this time. What's sad, is because you can't even see past yourself, to see your problem. No amount of online victories changes who you are, and all the things you lack. Youve attached yourself to this game, and that's depressing. I would hope you'd be better, but you're a person far gone, probably just alone. A game cant heal you.
Wow, you are really good at analyzing personality
It is just a game for me, but not for you. You unfortunately fall within the fringes of people who see this as more, it is escapism. Lonely escapism, there is no degree or study needed to see you. Your actions speak loud, and I would wish you the best but, if this is who you are, there is no hope. You are far gone within this personality of sorts, and its sad. I know your life isn't what you want it to be, and I'm sorry you feel this helps in any way. But you are what you are, it was foolish of me to expect any proper discourse, any reflection. You are incapable I see, I do wish you well though.
I have no issue with you. Ive never had an issue with you, seeing as I never engage you. I don't see the point. So if it will bring an end to this unnecessary tift between us to its proper conclusion, then I will accept this truce. Because I do believe you are better than your actions you have shown me. In fact, I respect that you would initiate this. Seeing as certain people in this game would endlessly parade their one-sided quarrels with me, it is never-ending with some. So it has genuinely made me question my stance against you, and I can see you in a better light. Seeing as you are the first to ever do this. I appreciate the initiation, and accept your hand in friendship. Hopefully others can see your action here, and also change their stance against you, because I would like to believe you are better than all of this. So let this be an end to our back and forth, be well.