Reported being threatened

edited December 2020 in Off-topic
Hi admin,

I was playing GOB for a while and to be honest , I really appreciated developer provide this platform for players for free. Without this GOB platform, i really feel I have lost something in my life. I know I am being hated by many people because of my playing style (goal-keeper and use spider web to tag people from getting pluto), but this is my style and I will NOT change this. Anyway, I want to share a screenshot with everyone to see if I am right and if I am doing anything wrong. Back to the screenshot, I was being threatened by "Principe" for my account will be banned because i am hacker without any factual evidence.

The chat discussion was first started by Ruffy who stated i am hacker and then Principe was the one who followed the discussion saying I will be banned.

Using perk is a right and using perk designed by GOB developer is our right. There is no such thing for abusing players using perks.
Second, I played on different server and rounds randomly and I like appear everywhere as long as I don't chase a player or follow them and causing them trouble, I am following the rule.wt5d6rzcxjah.jpg

Please view screenshoot and leave any comment.

Thanks everyone,

Enjoy the game and again i believe most people here are kind people! Love you all~


  • I think everyone knows how to use perks in matches. Sometimes you enter plutonium time or wait.
    Thanked by 1 BIERBAUCH
  • to Ruffy your comment @6:13 pm, this is not the point. yes i agreed that I entered into plutonium or wait which is not very friendly but this does not violate GOB rule. What is more concerning is about both of you and PrinCipe made False accusation ( groundless and unfounded evidence) that I am a hacker and even threatened me that I will be banned. This is what I need to bring up to the admin team to review. I think you both should be answering the GOB community and to everyone why you both would make these false accusation against me and you both need to provide sufficient evidence that I am a hacker. If end up no such evidence and admin group had review game play and no issue was found, i think you both need to get some sort of punishment. Am I fair ., everyone???
  • You entering plutonium time, then don't want me to ban you. People should film you
  • I experienced same threat by Ruffy_

    see below screenshot: high-lightened:


    Again, he said I entered into pluto time and should banned. Where is the rule ? and are you the admin who made decision? How could you threatened someone but you are not the official . Even official give warning first and state the rule to people so everyone follow accordingly..

  • Case under analysis by moderation. Soon, we (me or Gally) will give a response.
    Thanked by 2 Gally Evil_GOALKEEPER
  • Remember best is
    Thanked by 1 CrashMaxxXx
  • i don't understand how using a perk effectively or spawning for Pluto is considered hacking. it may be a toxic playstyle and annoying but by no means is it violating any rules as the sole purpose is to obtain the pluto. It's not like its impossible to obtain the pluto, it just makes it harder, it adds to the chaos, not to mention makes obtaining the pluto feel more rewarding and a lot of times i've seen him fail. With that being said @Eat_fe*e*_daily don't listen to them as they are just salty that the pluto isn't being handed to them on a silver platter. Not to mention they usually call anything hacks when they are losing or getting outplayed. as long as its within the rules u are good to go, and as Gally showed above the ignore feature is there.... have a good day! o7
    Thanked by 2 Aceu Evil_GOALKEEPER
  • edited December 2020
    Thx Crashmax summarizing with better English (exactly what i want to say). so to admin: how about I being described as hacker and warned I will be banned in the conversation? If this is not addressed, can I do the same thing in the chat to threaten other players (obviously i will not)? Have they been notified using a perk effectively or spawning for Pluto is NOT considered hacking and saying others will be banned is not their right, it's a right belong to admin !
  • i don't understand how using a perk effectively or spawning for Pluto is considered hacking. it may be a toxic playstyle and annoying but by no means is it violating any rules as the sole purpose is to obtain the pluto. It's not like its impossible to obtain the pluto, it just makes it harder, it adds to the chaos, not to mention makes obtaining the pluto feel more rewarding and a lot of times i've seen him fail. With that being said @Eat_fe*e*_daily don't listen to them as they are just salty that the pluto isn't being handed to them on a silver platter. Not to mention they usually call anything hacks when they are losing or getting outplayed. as long as its within the rules u are good to go, and as Gally showed above the ignore feature is there.... have a good day! o7

    You saying that because you don’t see him keep making my friends
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