I really believe that the SpiderBoss (so its minions spiders) should be nerfed.
As much as the EvilHamster is being killed 90% of the time it is really rare to see the SpiderBoss being killed. The main reason from my POV is the fact that it can "eat" people and regain its HP.
Let me hear out what you guys are thinking

Best to everyone,
nice i never noticed
It was not the case before. I understand we lose shield and blue flame picked in flag when going to hardcore but we shouldn't lose gear we already picked earlier...
I'd say a solution to test would be replace jetpack with autoshield on the boss. And make it so that bite still works, but doesn't give the spider back hp. Also, either limit the spider minions to 1 instead of 2, or keep two of them and remove one of their perks (web or bite).
I know that before you didn't lose the 6th one, you just didn't have it while in Teamplay but you regain it when going to the Hardcore room
I disagree with this... Nyan is Nyan!!!
This is intended to make the game becoming crazy at some point and with the grey bomb it takes all the fun out from the nyan disease
*crossing fingers someone will change this*
It's been more than a year since the creation of this thread.
I'd like to know if anyone has any idea about gameplay improvement that could be made?
*Like any product (the game) it is because the customers (the players) are using it everyday that they know what could be change so the experience improves*
I dislike that round use perks are used no matter the time when a round is entered, so it sucks to accidentally enter a round with 1 minute remaining and losing one use of a perk.