3 kills, 0 death => KDR = infinity. Would you expect him/her to be equal to pvvnyy?? Even with a second criterion (the number of kills), ahead of _z_??
22 kills, 1 death => KDR = 22. Would you expect him/her to be ahead of _z_?? (22 > 21.3 so even with a second criterion, the first one would put him/her ahead).
After thinking of many examples, I think the best "meaningful indicator" for sorting should be "K - D" (or "K - n*D" with n a fixed number if you want to penalize more or less the players according to their number of deaths).
Currently my highest infinity KDR is 68-0 (since 29 march 2017)
and my highest KDR (not infinity) is 90-1 (since 1 may 2017)
It was considered numerous times in the past, including formulas like K/(D+1) and (K-D).
Not dying already helps gain more kills because a player continues killing non-stop without losing bonuses. Proposed changes will make dying even more punishing, which is unnecessary. If it affected medals, it would create situations when a player dies a few times at the beginning of the round and loses will to play because no further actions can fix it. If it affected global rankings, it would force some players to abandon "spoiled" accounts and create new accounts.
Just "Kills" seems to be both the simplest and the best choice.
It was considered numerous times in the past, including formulas like K/(D+1) and (K-D).
Not dying already helps gain more kills because a player continues killing non-stop without losing bonuses. Proposed changes will make dying even more punishing, which is unnecessary. If it affected medals, it would create situations when a player dies a few times at the beginning of the round and loses will to play because no further actions can fix it. If it affected global rankings, it would force some players to abandon "spoiled" accounts and create new accounts.
Just "Kills" seems to be both the simplest and the best choice.
I think @ham_ did not want to replace an existing scoreboard (both ingame and in the global section). Another "global" scoreboard section (like the Arena stuff) on which players were ranked on their KDR. But as @syme said a KDR scroreborad needs some "advanced" formular where the total amount of rounds played or player killed should be part of the calculated rank, too!
I think nothing is perfect.
Take an example (of 7 may 2016):
@pvvnyy : 117 kills, 0 death => KDR = infinity
@_z_ : 64 kills, 3 deaths => KDR = 21.3
me : 56 kills, 9 deaths => KDR = 6.2
@Hamsterdam : 54 kills, 14 deaths => KDR 3.9
Imagine a player (out of the current top) doing:
After thinking of many examples, I think the best "meaningful indicator" for sorting should be "K - D" (or "K - n*D" with n a fixed number if you want to penalize more or less the players according to their number of deaths).
Currently my highest infinity KDR is 68-0 (since 29 march 2017)
Not dying already helps gain more kills because a player continues killing non-stop without losing bonuses. Proposed changes will make dying even more punishing, which is unnecessary. If it affected medals, it would create situations when a player dies a few times at the beginning of the round and loses will to play because no further actions can fix it. If it affected global rankings, it would force some players to abandon "spoiled" accounts and create new accounts.
Just "Kills" seems to be both the simplest and the best choice.
I think @ham_ did not want to replace an existing scoreboard (both ingame and in the global section). Another "global" scoreboard section (like the Arena stuff) on which players were ranked on their KDR. But as @syme said a KDR scroreborad needs some "advanced" formular where the total amount of rounds played or player killed should be part of the calculated rank, too!