
@newbie2 was stalking me on other servers because I killed her in game server US server BR server AU

He feels like a professional doing this kind of thing. This is a game..
Thanked by 1 Tranduiil


  • Lol, no need to mislead the forumers. You will never be able to kill me because you are one of the weakest 4 star players who earned his rank on low online servers just by scoring goals. 0 skills @Ruffy_). and I'm not stalking you, I'm checking the servers for bosses (evil hamster, evil spider)
  • lol Ruffy_, be chill @newbie2 usually hits all the servers to get pluto monsters etc....And i specifically look for player filled servers.
  • newbie2 wrote: »
    Lol, no need to mislead the forumers. You will never be able to kill me because you are one of the weakest 4 star players who earned his rank on low online servers just by scoring goals. 0 skills @Ruffy_). and I'm not stalking you, I'm checking the servers for bosses (evil hamster, evil spider)

    You have 4 stars, you keep acting like a loser.
  • You stopped me from playing, I wasn't hunting anything evil hamster and spider
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