Game translation

edited January 2017 in Important info
Game of Bombs is an international game.
Help players from your country by translating the game to your language and earn plutonium at the same time! (approximately 1 pluto per 2 translated lines)
If the game is already translated into your language, help us by finding missing translations, grammar errors or interface errors such as text being too long to fit a button.

How to start.
1. Tell @Hackerham or @Excuse_Me that you want to participate and wait for the confirmation (maybe someone else is already doing it or there are too few players speaking this language). You can also send everything about translation to
2. Find out your language code: "jp" for Japanese, "de" for German, etc.
3. Save file
4. Open it in an plain text editor. The file is in JSON format, it's quite simple and doesn't really need explanations. Follow this format exactly, especially watch out for extra or missing commas, brackets and quote marks. Edit it to add your language to some of phrases.
5. Open the game.
6. Open Console (F12 in chrome), then copy&paste modified contents of file in the console. If there are no syntax errors (suchs as missing or extra commas and quotes), there should be no error messages after that.
7. Write in console: setLocale("jp"), if your language code is "jp" (ore replcae it with the code of your language).
8. Repeat until all phrases are translated. Do not add translations if a text is exactly the same as its English version.
9. Send us the result.
10. There are a few more files to translate, we'll send them once localization.js is done.

We recommend using some advanced plain text editor, such as Notepad++ or Komodo Edit.


  • I can help translate into mandarin because I am semi-fluent with it. However, some difficult language may be hard because I am not a natural speaker.
    Thanked by 1 Gally
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