Losing 1 blue bomb when losing a shield

Right now when a player loses autoshield and avoids being hit for the next 80s, he effectively loses nothing.

We propose to add a small penalty when losing a shield: losing 1 blue bomb (if the player has any). It's not a big balance change, but it would add more incentive not to lose a shield on purpose with suicide attacks. And it will also make obtaining 3 blue bombs a bit harder.

What do you think?


  • edited January 2017
    I think, this is a good start to reduce shild suicudes!
    Thanked by 1 Gally
  • Not all players care about having blue bombs, but this sounds like an interesting idea.
    Thanked by 2 Gally HASHARAHHA14
  • I would agree only if blue is removed when losing shield due to perk shield, if from a goal or shield found on the map then I'm not really up for it
  • I would agree only if blue is removed when losing shield due to perk shield, if from a goal or shield found on the map then I'm not really up for it

    that sounds better
  • @server_down @rabbitbombe:
    Shields from all sources are the same. It'd be either for all shields or for none.
    Thanked by 1 Gally
  • wouldn't really effect the people that never use blue flame, but de-buffing shield is a pretty good idea!
  • Just a question to the people who participated to this thread?
    As I realized it has been implemented what is actually your thoughts on this? +1/-1
    Personally as "shields from all sources are the same" -1
    Thanked by 1 3StarsNoPerks
  • I think it's good to have some kind of repercussion when losing a shield, losing a blue flame seems good to me.
    I don't think it matters where the shield came from, all shields should work the same way. It'd get confusing when some shields make you lose your blue flame and others don't.
    Thanked by 2 server_down Gally
  • I think that losing a roller-skater is more effective than a blue bomb. Most of the suicidal ppl don't use blue flame.
    Thanked by 2 HASHARAHHA14 Hagelslag
  • I think that losing a roller-skater is more effective than a blue bomb. Most of the suicidal ppl don't use blue flame.

    I have to agree with that as I see many people with full speed and shields (admittedly sometimes myself as well) that pick on people with little to no speed, so loosing some speed would be a good balance to the game.
  • 1 month later
  • Yeah, the shield gen users that don't care about blue flames are still a problem.
    I've been suicide bombed a few times in the last couple of days, so it doesn't seem to be affecting that particular breed of @#%@. :neutral:
  • edited March 2017
    The weak people that shield suicide then complain about people suiciding them back should be castrated. Losing the blue flame is not an incentive at all because players who are weak are using perk shield to do it so they don't care about losing a blue flame. I think if you lose your shield, you don't get to be invincible for x amount of time and you also lose half your powerups. I would penalize perk users more as they do more shield suiciding than strong non perk players.
  • Losing half your stuff and losing invincibility is the same thing as dying, and you would get hit very quickly again most of the time, so its worse than dying.
  • edited March 2017
    Which is a very big incentive to grow a set of cojones and not shield suicide. ;) Guests know someone that earned a shield vs bought a shield will be far more p!ssed off losing their blue flame so they now work harder to take away that blue flame. See it happen all the time. I only know because I only kill perk users in the game and rarely do you see them start being angry they lost their blue flame. Although if you do it to someone who has earned it they get very angry just read the chat. Very disparaging remarks about us guest users. I don't think losing a blue flame is good because it penalizes legitimate users so I believe losing powerups especially with a perk shield is a much better option that balances the penalty across all users.
  • Here's my take: A shield is a shield... it grants an ability to survive death, but this can allow for other opportunities. However, the shield belongs to whoever has it, and they should be able to lose it however they want.
    Thanked by 2 Hagelslag Gally
  • Here's my take: A shield is a shield... it grants an ability to survive death, but this can allow for other opportunities. However, the shield belongs to whoever has it, and they should be able to lose it however they want.

    Well in that case then they shouldn't cry like a spoiled baby when they shield suicide and then another player exacts revenge on their weak ways and suicides them back, however they are usually the worst complainers of it. So I still think losing something after losing a shield is a good incentive.
  • Well then let them cry, its a good thing to watch hypocrites be sad.
  • Imo: Speed> Flame > Blue Flame > Bomb # is the hierarchy, maybe speed removal is too much :P, after all it is very critical in fights like [1] v [1] with both shielded
  • The problem with letting them cry is they have all the opportunity to harass you about a suicide as mods don't do anything about it. However you mention the fact they use a perk shield generator and the mods mute you instantly. There is no protection for strong non perk users.
  • The problem with letting them cry is they have all the opportunity to harass you about a suicide as mods don't do anything about it. However you mention the fact they use a perk shield generator and the mods mute you instantly. There is no protection for strong non perk users.

    then maybe use perks against them and only them
  • The problem with letting them cry is they have all the opportunity to harass you about a suicide as mods don't do anything about it. However you mention the fact they use a perk shield generator and the mods mute you instantly. There is no protection for strong non perk users.

    then maybe use perks against them and only them

    That would defeat the purpose of being a strong person.
  • No, you would be stronger
    Thanked by 1 Gally
  • No, you would be stronger

    I wish there was a way to ignore you in the forum. I'll have to code a wrapper to not load your comments.
  • Is there something i said to offend you?
    Thanked by 1 Gally
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