If you wish to apply to become a moderator for the US server, we have an opening.
[*] Write an e-mail to OmegaKnight@gameofbombs.com & Inbox me with the following information:
- Ingame nickname
- How long have you been playing this game?
- Have you been a mod before? (This includes other forums or games).
- Which languages do you speak fluently? And what is your location?
- Please write us a descriptive paragraph/summary about yourself. Include age, interests, and anything you think will be useful for
@OmegaKnight to know.
Effort is
required, if your application includes 5 lines, I will simply delete your application. Let me get to know you, and let me have a feel for who you are.
Thank you for your time, and happy bombing, from US team!
@OmegaKnight, @server_down, @HASHARAHHA14, @mashy