i need some explanation


i would be really happy if someone could explain me how does the "getting medal" system works :D
Thanked by 2 Gally Hippo12369


  • unskushsqp1q.jpg

    also i noticed that my profile show totally different numbers than my achievements have.
    Thanked by 2 Gally Hippo12369
    wth.jpg 50.5K
  • edited June 2017
    Medals in templay room are awarded for (kills + flags). If you sped more time in temaplay than in PvP, you become a candidate for a teamplay medal instead of a PvP medal. But as you can see, other people in teamplay got more (kills + flags).

    You have probably ended the round in PvP room, so the table you see is sorted by PvP rules (only kills).

    On the second screenshot, the situation is reverse: you've ended the round in teamplay room, so you see table sorted by (kills + flags). But there were not enough people in teamplay for 3 medals, so all medals were PvP, i.e. only for kills. So 3rd place in teamplay gets no PvP medal.

    We need to add some visual cues to make the scoreboard more clear...

    Achievements are bugged. Thank you for noticing!
    Thanked by 2 Gally Nevada
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