I always thought that the ranking "Hunters" was sorted by the formula "players killed * 10 + bots killed".
But now I see this:
(header of columns: Nickname, Rounds, Kills, Bombed bots, Deaths)
But I'm wrong since my formula gives:
- AkemiHomura: 1,496,987
- BIG_BADA_BOOM: 1,507,843
- syme: 1,508,180
My kills/round ratio is better (higher) than BIG_BADA_BOOM's (19.63 vs. 15.75) and my kills/deaths ratio too (higher) (3.98 vs. 3.08).
I don't find any formula that puts me after BIG_BADA_BOOM and AkemiHomura.
Then I don't know how far I'm from BIG_BADA_BOOM and AkemiHomura (and the others).
What is the formula for the sort?
I don't remember why I thought it was 10.
Is it the right formula?