Plutonium from refferals

I was wondering if the plutonium from referrals actually works, my understanding is you copy the link and give it to someone else and it works, I've tried it and it didn't work.


  • It works, but the other player must open this link (the important part is the end of the link: "?referral=<some_digits>") and then register from that exact page. If the user edits the URL or opens the site in some other way (without going by that link), it doesn't work.

    No player has a referral to your account. They either didn't register or registered without using your link.
  • Thank you :smile:
    Thanked by 1 Gally
  • 10 months later
  • If player just created account without open my link (he still rank 0), is there anyway he can has a referral to my account?
  • @gbyban I believe it only works, if they use it to register (afterwards, it's no longer possible... unless they make a new account)
  • nooooo :( how can they make a new account? @HASHARAHHA14
  • If they want to start over (if they haven't put that much into their account yet). You can just tell them to log out, and open up a new tab using your referral link (to the right, in your profile page).
  • it isnt work .... anyway, thank you @HASHARAHHA14
  • No problem (you don't start getting rewards until they play a lot)
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