Each region has a main moderator and 3-7 normal moderators.
The main moderators are in contact with other main moderators and the developers. They also accept complaints, applications and any problems or issues that you might have concerning moderation.
The current moderators in the regions are:
US -
@OmegaKnight (main),
BR -
@KCG_Ryuzero (main),
@_OneKing (formerly Trunks_, BR only)
@Gally (main in Asia),
@a$$holekid* (main in JP),
EU -
@Perfo (main),
RU -
@Lapsha (main),
@Lilu (former nickname LilKat),
GoB Team -
GoB Team former or inactive members -
GoB Team advisers -
Click here to apply to be a mod on EU server:
Write an e-mail to
Perfo@gameofbombs.com with the following information:
-Ingame nickname
-How long have you played this game?
-Have you been a mod before?
-Which languages do you speak fluently? And what is your location?
-Please write us a descriptive paragraph/summary about yourself
Click here to apply to become a mod on US server:
Write an e-mail to
OmegaKnight@gameofbombs.com with the following information:
- Ingame nickname
- How long have you been playing this game?
- Have you been a mod before?
- Which languages do you speak fluently? And what is your location?
- Please write us a descriptive paragraph/summary about yourself
Click here to apply to become a mod on JP server:
Write an e-mail to
aholekid@gameofbombs.com with the following information:
- Ingame nickname
- How long have you been playing this game?
- Have you been a mod before?
- Which languages do you speak fluently? And what is your location?
- Please write us a descriptive paragraph/summary about yourself
Click here to apply to become a mod on BR server:
Write via Inbox to
@KCG_Ryuzero with the following information:
- Ingame nickname
- How long have you been playing this game?
- Have you been a mod before?
- Which languages do you speak fluently? And what is your location?
- Please write us a descriptive paragraph/summary about yourself
Нажмите сюда, если хотие быть модератором на РУ сервере:
Напишите заявку
@Lapsha через Inbox на форуме или любым другим приватным способом.
В заявке указать:
1. Ник в игре (а также перечислить все предыдущие ники и аккаунты, если есть).
2. Возраст.
3. Не обязательно, но желательно - ссылку на ваш профиль в любой соц. сети.
1. Ваш возраст должен быть больше 20 лет.
2. Ваша активность в чате должна быть заметной, иначе сложно будет оценить вашу готовность быть модератором.
Не существует "мод-режима", "модерки", "мод-активации", модерации на час, и т.п. Вы или являетесь модератором, или нет. Если вашу заявку не приняли - не надо писать 100 сообщений, это только снизит шансы на ее принятие в будущем еще больше.