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I can kill Evil spider in less than 30 second which is my fastest record.... can you ? I doubt none of you can....


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  • I can kill Evil spider in less than 30 second which is my fastest record.... can you ? I doubt none of you can.... :D
    February 2023
    • GOB_best_player
      25-30 second is my best record to kill a spider
      Average time I need to kill a spider: ~6-7 min
      ~ 2 to 2:30 mins is my best record to kill a hamster
      Avg time I need to kill a hamster: ~4 min.

      WOW. what a genius~!
  • Sorry guys I am finally back to the game. Recently someone ask what name I am preferred to be called. So, if you want to call my name, you can call me either: the best goalkeeper , the best defender, the only defender , Master defender. The legendary defender.
    What else..... : the defensive player of the year < I like this one.... Or call me a HUNTER (not a stalker) as I always like to chase a player on a SINGLE server.

    Just remember we have to follow game rule:
    Hunting [which is chasing a player on a single server] is allowed.
    Stalking [which is chasing the same player across multiple servers] is not allowed.

    If you always chase a player on a SINGLE server like me as a hunter , you are my friend.
    However, if you chasing the same player across multiple servers which is stalking, I am your enemy, you are not my friend.
    If you always play super defense like me, welcome, you are my lover.

    If you are BOTH a hunter and a super defender , you are my lover and baby FOREVER and FOREVER
    December 2022
    • Lobo_Mau
      you are not a hunter, a psychopath and a liar. You weren't banned luckily
  • I am the only player in game of bomb who know exactly how to kill an Evil spider , none of the players here who have more skill , talent , trick than myself, not to mention my ability to play defense, goalkeeper. I am simply the BEST. oh don't forget I am also the best player using mine bomb generator.
    August 2022
    • 4static
      you are a master!!!
  • Hunting makes me so so happy!!!!!! Continue to chase a player on a single server makes my day feel better!!!!!
    August 2022
  • Hunting [which is chasing a player on a single server] is allowed.
    Stalking [which is chasing the same player across multiple servers] is not allowed.

    August 2022
  • Lobo_Mau
    I will never be friends with you.
    you a psychopath
    September 2021
    • GOB_best_player
      same. I will never be friends like uncivilized, barbarous individuals. I only make friends with people who KNOWS the rule and follow the rules
  • neutronStar
    thx for giving me another pluto, why u do that bro.
    August 2021