So it came to me when talking to someone about something else. How about add achievements I'd say like double kills but that is actually too easy to get, but to list some good ones off -
Perfections (Finish a game with 15 kills or more with 0 deaths)
MegaKill (Kill 5 people within 5 seconds)
UltraMegaKill (Kill 10 people within 5 seconds)
Killing Sprees (Speak for themselves but say in turns 10 kills gets a next level killing spree)
MiniBombKill (Kill players when sick with single sized flame bomb)
PacifistaWin (Get a medal win using Pacifist Perk through whole game)
PoopOnDeadBoss (Kill Spider or Hamtaro Boss)
NukeBastard (Kill more than 5 people in a nuke explosion)
Coming up with not so easy moves in this game is hard.

Anyways achievements can give additional exp or money or something.
@MiniGelidusBoy there is a new name for you in that list of perks which is MiniBombBoy.