i think i dont played a single game since last year February.the main reason was the horrible lag. i started to skip being online and tbh i forget about this game. for some reason today i remembered how much fun i had so i thought i come and look around. the toplist dont changed at all just ppl got lots of points and new ranks. CONGRATULATION to them. then there is a new forum, new perks and awesome new maps. i totally felt like i wanna play some games so i checked how laggy this game is. i live in EU so i went in eu server. there i got 500-700 ping. shit

well in the last 4-5 years it was pretty bad lol xD so i went in RU bcoz that server was usually the best. there i got 300-500ping. and i dont even played just watched others playing. how freakin much would i get if i actually decide to play? it would be so horrible that i couldnt enjoy the game. then i checked the shitty projects. the DESCTOP CLIENT have more than 200%!!!!
Profanities are removed by moderator
in the next fe days ill come and check the comment. hopefully some friendly ppl will explain me things. of course i expect haters too lol so come at me bro

i dont mind

oh and sorry if i break some rules by writing this post. pls forgive me. thx
Also, if you have ping, its your fault. I had less than 100 most of the time.
I'm deeply sorry for the delay with the Desktop client. @Hackerham is working on it slowly. I don't know when it'll be ready. The complexity of the work was greatly underestimated.
If you have high latency, the problem is with your network connection. Indeed, many other players have 0-200 ping on EU, so the server itself is not the main source of lags. It's possible that a route from your location to Russia is less overloaded than to the western location with the EU server and has less latency, especially if you're in the Eastern part of the EU.
All the recommendations on how to decrease lags are gathered in this topic: https://forum.gameofbombs.com/discussion/69/lag-and-how-to-decrease-it
If you have a connection with high latency, even a desktop client with UDP protocol will not help. UDP may only reduce lag spikes when occasional packets are lost. It does not magically improve your network connection.
Regardless of this, for many profanities in the post you are temporarily banned on the forum.