Dev Question: How are maps Wrapped?

How are the maps working on gob? for instance, when we hit right side of map we appear to left side.

is recreating gob for in case this goes down one day.

My assumption is that the the map is actually duplicated to the right and left, and then the assets are pushed only within players view. Maybe im making no sense, but would appreciate it if any devs still around.

@Gally perhaps you know?
@Hackerham maybe u could gib some pointers?


  • Hackerham seems to be a russian fascist, don't touch that bag of holy s**t.
  • edited February 6
    I might be a 2d Cartesian coordinates of points in a plane, once you reach the square boundary, you will go to 0. if its 100x100 plane, and if you are at (100,10) and you go right, you will go to (0,10). I see this behaviour when I play gob on larger screen(32 inch desktop) @Mr_Waffle
  • 1 month later
  • I noticed something similar on how it wraps via maps as well @neutronStar . But ty for info. saving this for when i get the time.
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