Muted (put in read-only mode) for unknown reasons

Hi, I just want to know why I was put in read only mode.
Also feel free to put me back in talking mode if there's no specific reason.
Thanked by 1 SmellsBad


  • Got quickly put back in talking mode today then put in read only again.
    Still no warning or reason.
    Thanked by 1 _TrueQ_
  • I'm in the same boat. Probably because I was beating Antonio4001. No reason given to me.
  • @Lilu must bear responsibility. It is the only mod to repeatedly trigger a well-known chat bug.

  • @Lilu must bear responsibility. It is the only mod to repeatedly trigger a well-known chat bug.


    I haven't been in the game for a week...Calm your fantasies
  • Apparently it's a bug, a RU mod was kind enough to put me back in talking mode.
    Thanked by 2 _JENOVA_ SmellsBad
  • bokbagok wrote: »
    Not me tho

    This is why we test before we release/speak, people! I'm back, baby! (please mute me for community rules violations in the future....)
  • ....and I'm gone again.
  • I can confirm that this is a bug. Suddenly all players (including us mods lol) were shut into read only mode. Shoot me a message here in the forum if you're muted and I unmute you
    Thanked by 1 LeSerge
  • same happen to me
  • 6 months later
  • edited August 2024
    Looks like I am muted again @Perfo
    Edit : it is ok now.
  • edited September 2024
    the ban has been lifted (thanks to Excuse_me?)

    Can you imagine? Lilu banned me from the ru server for calling her a censored (which she is)!
    She couldn't swallow the offense. Nor was she able to respond in English LOL!
    If only could it push the buggy button again (third time in a week) she'd have muted me.
    She wanted vengeance so badly that she pushed less buggy but even more unsuitable button. When will she learn not to punish players unless they break the chat rules? You may outlive Soviet Union but Soviet Union never leaves the corrupted stuff between your ears!
    Naughty soviet mod, if you are reading this, follow the link
    Thanked by 1 PRFCT_SCOR_RUIN
  • UPD 2 to the post above:
    Heck, I'm still banned!
    But the ban is effective only if I attempt to enter putinserver first.
    If I connect to any other server then I'm free to proceed to any server, ru included.
    Behold the power of liberty pass, putinboys!
    Buck you, powerless soviet mod lilu! Failed!
    Thanked by 1 PRFCT_SCOR_RUIN
  • 1 month later
  • @_Marihuana_ banned me on 19.10 at approximately 22:30 Kremlin time. I provoked it by posting Hindu symbol of Sun along with fascist letter "Z", and communist symbols.

    I'm not sure if @_Marihuana_ triggered the bug this time, but anyway the ban was unlawful.

    I insist that @Gally or @Excuse_Me or no matter who with required access demote @_Marihuana_ for open support of RuZZian aggression. If you keep ignoring me I'll file evidence to EU authorities. I mean it! Don't risk your EU servers, putinboys!
  • 3 months later
  • The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)
    Thanked by 2 _JENOVA_ SmellsBad
  • unmute me @_Marihuana_ mariclown
  • Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    @_Marihuana_ is a good mod and a good person. <3
    Thanked by 1 SmellsBad
  • edited January 24
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    Marihuana is proud her relatives kill Ukrainians. Decide for yourself how to qualify that.

  • _JENOVA_ wrote: »
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    @_Marihuana_ is a good mod and a good person. <3

    Such a good mod that at least once she abused her powers and triggered that well-known bug.
    Such a good person that she destroys the world around her.
  • _JENOVA_ wrote: »
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    @_Marihuana_ is a good mod and a good person. <3

    i agree ♥
    Thanked by 1 _JENOVA_
  • glorytoua wrote: »
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    Marihuana is proud her relatives kill Ukrainians. Decide for yourself how to qualify that.

    talking about others like that is a bad thing in a game. i totally disagree with you
    Thanked by 2 _JENOVA_ _TrueQ_
  • edited January 25
    glorytoua wrote: »
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    Marihuana is proud her relatives kill Ukrainians. Decide for yourself how to qualify that.

    The following is forbidden:
    1. Harassing, trolling, purposefully offending players.
    2. Discrimination against people based on race, gender, using perks in the game, etc.
    3. Provoking and participating in flame.
    11. Arguing about moderator's decisions.
    12. Anything that makes using the chat hard or annoying for other players.

    Repeated use of non-insulting words should be treated as harassment if it clearly serves no purpose other than causing a negative reaction of a victim. Offensive speeches or flame (such as about politics, sex, religion) can be stopped even if it doesn’t contain profanity or insults. Insulting and harassing are forbidden.

  • glorytoua wrote: »
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    Marihuana is proud her relatives kill Ukrainians. Decide for yourself how to qualify that.

    The following is forbidden:
    1. Harassing, trolling, purposefully offending players.
    2. Discrimination against people based on race, gender, using perks in the game, etc.
    3. Provoking and participating in flame.
    11. Arguing about moderator's decisions.
    12. Anything that makes using the chat hard or annoying for other players.

    Repeated use of non-insulting words should be treated as harassment if it clearly serves no purpose other than causing a negative reaction of a victim. Offensive speeches or flame (such as about politics, sex, religion) can be stopped even if it doesn’t contain profanity or insults. Insulting and harassing are forbidden.


    You are not in position to warn me until you trial Marihuana. She is the criminal here.

    I tell the truth I and I anticipate that community reacts: admins demote the criminal and players don't greet such ugly person. No reaction from administration follows -- hence repetitions. You are neglecting that a *fascist* is in your midst. And yes, fascists deserve worse than harassment until they stop causing harm. Marihuana does cause much-much sorrow. And she dares to come here and enjoy the game and abuse her moddy powers while her family destroys lives. And you enjoy with her. Yuck. Disgusting.

    Besides, it is so skewed that players honor Marihuana for sorting out her own mess. I mean in the past at least once global mute was Marhuana's fault. Maybe this time too? Who caused global mute this time? Why don't mods bear responsibility? If devs can't fix the bug, admins must stop it by disciplining mods.
  • edited January 25
    glorytoua wrote: »
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    Marihuana is proud her relatives kill Ukrainians. Decide for yourself how to qualify that.

    The following is forbidden:
    1. Harassing, trolling, purposefully offending players.
    2. Discrimination against people based on race, gender, using perks in the game, etc.
    3. Provoking and participating in flame.
    11. Arguing about moderator's decisions.
    12. Anything that makes using the chat hard or annoying for other players.

    Repeated use of non-insulting words should be treated as harassment if it clearly serves no purpose other than causing a negative reaction of a victim. Offensive speeches or flame (such as about politics, sex, religion) can be stopped even if it doesn’t contain profanity or insults. Insulting and harassing are forbidden.


    Where did you get these rules from? I believe they are outdated. When we get muted, we don't see 1., 3., and 11. in the pop-up with the rules.
    P.S. №11 smells so soviet. Soviet mods love to refer to this one even though it must be obsolete (is it?).
  • edited January 25
    SmellsBad wrote: »
    glorytoua wrote: »
    Clems wrote: »
    The bug has happen again today, but @_Marihuana_ helps very quickly the read-only people who connect in RU server. I am glad that @_Marihuana_ is a mod :)

    Marihuana is proud her relatives kill Ukrainians. Decide for yourself how to qualify that.

    talking about others like that is a bad thing in a game. i totally disagree with you

    Calling for attention to aggressive fascism propaganda? She once muted me for swastikas that are neutral in many cultures. But she is allowed to support the war verbally here in the chat.

    How come empty symbols are prohibited but really destructive and condemned ideology is not?

    And you don't mind she sent her males to kill people, sow sorrows? Then you must be content when putin or other maniac in power orders to rape/nuke/enslave/etc. your people. You must be perfectly fine with the ideology of that hypothetical maniac. You must be welcoming his soldiers and his voters.
  • If you really feel this way, why do you still play here?? You do know the owner of this site is Russian?? Just play, do not buy pluto (not possible at this moment) and leave politics out of this game. Or just go away and return after the Russian invasion is over/reversed.
    Thanked by 2 _JENOVA_ neutronStar
  • _TrueQ_ wrote: »
    If you really feel this way, why do you still play here?? You do know the owner of this site is Russian?? Just play, do not buy pluto (not possible at this moment) and leave politics out of this game. Or just go away and return after the Russian invasion is over/reversed.

    russian does not equal to fascist. Some russian heroes oppose kremlin. If my memory serves me well, Jedi aka CrazyPanda aka Ivan relocated many years ago. It might mean something.

    In any case, fascist or not, I don't support him by playing.

    Why am I to leave politics if those putinboys bring it up? If anyone is going to be silenced, fascists must be in the first place. And the criminal mod that openly supports the war in the game chat must be demoted. I didn't make Marihuana boast about crimes of her family. She brought her dirty politics here -- she must be stripped of power. It is a common practice to discourage fascists. It seems many westerners have forgotten the lessons of WWII. Back then they suffered so much and didn't justify nazis. And you should not justify ruZZians. The West is guilty it helped grow such monsters as putin and his putinland. The West is guilty it's murmuring with them (like you demonstrate us) and doesn't cut all corruption schemes. At least it's not possible to buy plutins, gg West!
  • glorytoua wrote: »
    _TrueQ_ wrote: »
    If you really feel this way, why do you still play here?? You do know the owner of this site is Russian?? Just play, do not buy pluto (not possible at this moment) and leave politics out of this game. Or just go away and return after the Russian invasion is over/reversed.

    russian does not equal to fascist. Some russian heroes oppose kremlin. If my memory serves me well, Jedi aka CrazyPanda aka Ivan relocated many years ago. It might mean something.

    In any case, fascist or not, I don't support him by playing.

    Why am I to leave politics if those putinboys bring it up? If anyone is going to be silenced, fascists must be in the first place. And the criminal mod that openly supports the war in the game chat must be demoted. I didn't make Marihuana boast about crimes of her family. She brought her dirty politics here -- she must be stripped of power. It is a common practice to discourage fascists. It seems many westerners have forgotten the lessons of WWII. Back then they suffered so much and didn't justify nazis. And you should not justify ruZZians. The West is guilty it helped grow such monsters as putin and his putinland. The West is guilty it's murmuring with them (like you demonstrate us) and doesn't cut all corruption schemes. At least it's not possible to buy plutins, gg West!


    1. Play or do not play. There's no inbetween.
    2. There's no "us"; just your personal vendetta. Leave politics out of this game.
    3. Don't assume anything about me. You do not know me.
    4. You will be ignored.
    Thanked by 2 _JENOVA_ neutronStar
  • _TrueQ_ wrote: »
    glorytoua wrote: »
    _TrueQ_ wrote: »
    If you really feel this way, why do you still play here?? You do know the owner of this site is Russian?? Just play, do not buy pluto (not possible at this moment) and leave politics out of this game. Or just go away and return after the Russian invasion is over/reversed.

    russian does not equal to fascist. Some russian heroes oppose kremlin. If my memory serves me well, Jedi aka CrazyPanda aka Ivan relocated many years ago. It might mean something.

    In any case, fascist or not, I don't support him by playing.

    Why am I to leave politics if those putinboys bring it up? If anyone is going to be silenced, fascists must be in the first place. And the criminal mod that openly supports the war in the game chat must be demoted. I didn't make Marihuana boast about crimes of her family. She brought her dirty politics here -- she must be stripped of power. It is a common practice to discourage fascists. It seems many westerners have forgotten the lessons of WWII. Back then they suffered so much and didn't justify nazis. And you should not justify ruZZians. The West is guilty it helped grow such monsters as putin and his putinland. The West is guilty it's murmuring with them (like you demonstrate us) and doesn't cut all corruption schemes. At least it's not possible to buy plutins, gg West!


    1. Play or do not play. There's no inbetween.
    2. There's no "us"; just your personal vendetta. Leave politics out of this game.
    3. Don't assume anything about me. You do not know me.
    4. You will be ignored.

    1. I don't mind if you play.
    2. "us?" "vendetta?"
    3. ok lol
    4. ok, bye-bye. I can't reply to your talk with yourself anyway.
    Thanked by 1 _TrueQ_
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