Gally vs Pwnyy

edited April 2019 in The Game
Pwnyy shoots two beams of light out towards Gally

Gally: You'll need something faster then light

Before the light even reaches Gally, he already is behind pwnyy with his hand on pwnyy's shoulder

Gally: Don't do it... we know how this will end

pwnyy: hahahaha

Gally: is something funny?

pwnyy: Yes! Yes! But Gally!
pwnyy: Hear me out! You know as well as I that the difference between us is like the difference between heaven and earth.

Gally: Naturally...

pwnyy: Well, if you truly believe so... take one of my attacks head on!

Gally: Oh? You know this is pointless right? But very well.
Gally: I'll even lower my defenses
pwnyy: defenses?

A vast array of magic circles completely surround Gally; thin slices of orange circles appear blocking out the universes natural light source

pwnyy: what the actual fuck...

Gally holds up his finger

Gally: wait a second, not done yet

The magic circles extend from his body creating a cascading loop of hoops, an intricate weave of commands and power... but above it all is 5 stars floating right above his head

Gally: As you can see by this all around you, this is the fruit of my labors, the source of my power!

Gally: It would be no fun to fight you at this level...

Gally begins to laugh profusely

Gally: I've always wanted to do this

Gally smashes down both of his hands - completely shattering the circles -
The 5 stars, become 4, they then become 3, 2, and then 1... and he begins to lose his foundational levels as well

Gally: jajajajaja! This feeling, so this is what it feels like to be weak?
Gally: I like it! pwnyy! If there is any inkling of favor you hold towards me, I'll make one request...
Gally: Do not hold back!

pwnyy: You...
pwnyy: You're joking right? There's no wa-
pwnyy: There's no way you could survive!!!

pwnyy also begins laughing

pwnyy: very well Gally... remember... you wished this upon yourself

Two beams of light shoot out of pwnyy's eyes right at Gally

But the light is deflected! An alternate version of Gally steps out of himself, but this time with a camera

Gally: You think I am so weak that I only have reached the pinacle of this universe?

pwnyy: there are more?

The version of Gally that used a 'special' camera to deflect the light refuses with himself

Gally: Even without all of my power you cannot beat me!

pwnyy: You're already dead!

Gally: You are wrong.

Gally then walks outside of his fading body, while a crazy explosion that looks like it is torn between reality and illusion fades out without changing any of the surroundings

Gally: You may think you killed me pwnyy, but I am not dead. And you have not won.

pwnyy: WAIT!!!! That was... the god kick!
pwnyy: How did you even use that on a delayed explosion?

Gally: I'll give you one more chance pwnyy, hit me with everything you have...

pwnyy backs up, and moves at speeds that Gally should no longer have the ability to track

Gally: Ahh... So you've surrounded me with radio bombs eh?
Gally: You seem to have forgotten

Gally throws up a radio bomb and sets it off... it makes an extremely small explosion

pwnyy's eyes widen in shock

pwnyy: that won't work, I've laid down my bombs first!

Gally: Do you truly believe that?
Gally: While your distance may be insane at the moment. I still have my cover pwnyy
Gally: With the openings left, I can defend with my 1 flame!

pwnyy: No! If my bombs are laid down first, it will go-

Gally rolls a minebomb over setting off the chain, right before it hits him he jumps into a secluded space

pwnyy: You were just trying to buy time! Did you also just use a jetpack generator...
pwnyy: hmm, so you probably have three other perks?

Gally: You continue to bombard me with child's play pwnyy...

Gally cracks his neck, pops his shoulders then stretches while holding his hands together and cracking his fingers

Gally: I'm putting you on a clock

Gally looks up

Gally: It is time... you better run!

A shield magically appears over Gally

pwnyy: No... a shield generator as well! He... isn't doing what I think he is? Right? RIGHT!?


Massive walls of fire extend out from Gally... creating a most magnificient explosion!
Items are littered everywhere, pwnyy was unaffected his leaden pants had saved his life.... The shield on Gally was now gone
But Gally now had 2 stars of cultivation

pwnyy: Two stars!??! How!??!

Gally: My explosion stretched past the world's limit, breaking out of the loop and continuing.
Gally: You need two million ninety seven thousand and one hundred and fifty two xp to break through to two stars...
Gally: Even without my cultivation, I still have some of my natural abilties
Gally: I summoned random players in empty air spaces right before the explosion reached them
Gally: 20 xp a kill, while breaking through this world's boundaries....
Gally: I can feel the souls of nearly 3000 players to pull from, so I recycled them as they died...
pwnyy: ...
Gally: I killed over a hundred thousand people in those few seconds, and I'll do it again.
Gally: I only need to wait 80 more seconds... to do so
pwnyy: Do you think I'll give you enough time to do that?

pwnyy places a bomb and takes a deep breath
There is nothing obstructing his flames as he travels diagonally down towards Gally, the flames are almost hypnotising
Gally follows along a little slower at first, but as he travels he begins to pick up items...
Just before the flames almost catch up to him, his is running speed is on par with pwnyy's!

pwnyy: you...? my speed should naturally be enhanced from my countless hours of cultivation...

Gally: I have studied, documented, and unlocked all of the perks...
Gally: But I have also created... this is my modified need for speed...
Gally: With it, I am able to close the gap between a two star and a four star!
pwnyy: Blasphemy!

With nothing but open space, the two continued to move in a repetitive fashion... pwnyy had begun to put down his guard, falling into the trance that chaining has always brought; Gally continued to be slightly ahead of him, just barely missing instant death

Gally places a bomb cutting off the chain, but pwnyy survives
Gally and pwnyy are within arms length, too close for a batte of bombs
A shield magically appears over Gally

Gally: EXPLOSION!!!!

pwnyy doesn't run, knowing he is safe because of his leaden pants... he instead looks for the signs of slaughter, he sees faint glimpses of people spawning into existence, merely to be stamped out by the flames

pwnyy: Three stars... already...

Gally: It'll be a bit harder to advance from here... you have 80 more seconds.

Gally gets rid of his modified superior version of need for speed, instead equiping his snowball generator

Gally: With my current status and cultivation... I think I can fight you head-on now

pwnyy does not dare use his beams with delayed bombs technique... instead he decides he needs to get serious

pwnyy: Gally... I really didn't want to have to do this... but you pushed me too far
Thanked by 1 ham


  • edited April 2019
    A soccer field spawns off in the distance as the two converse

    pwnyy: By the power invested in Jimmy... I summon you. pot of gold!
    pwnyy: By using pot of gold, I am able to summon a leprechaun.. this leprechaun all-
    Gally: Enough! Using one of Jimmy's secret techniques won't work!
    pwnyy: Urgh... he saw through it!
    Gally secretly feels relieved, pot of gold is OP OP, luckily pwnyy cancelled it

    Gally: Tell me pwnyy, have you ever been scored before?
    pwnyy: Santa? Wai-!

    Another version of Gally had placed a snowball right behind pwnyy, he had used an invis shot and was crouched on the ground

    Gally quickly ran over at a crazy speed, while spamming pwnyy with harmless rainbooms
    pwnyy: My eyes!!

    Gally used all of his strength to trip pwnyy over the Gally that was crouched on the ground, causing him to get stuck inside of a snowball

    Gally: My snowball generator is unrivaled!

    The crouched Gally's invis shot wears off, and a Gally splits off from him as well as another Gally splitting off from him - each with slightly different variations

    pwnyy: Let me out!!!

    Gally, using his network of other Gally's he begins to align pwnyy with the distant goal... sending him towards it as it begins to shrink... while also re-fusing with the other Gally's

    300 evil hamsters appeared at (1523,4578)

    A mountain of evil robot hamster's appear near the goal...

    pwnyy: Using the ointments I was able to tap into a divine command... this should stop me from becoming a santa!

    Contrary to pwnyy's expectations, all of the hamsters eyes lit up with hearts in them and they lined up to block his path

    pwnyy: YES! YES!!!

    They all got caught in the snowball

    Gally: Oh...that shouldn't work...

    Looking at the scene there was 301 santas around, all acting quite derpy...

    Gally: You becoming a santa doesn't mean I have won... I need to still figure out which one is pwnyy

    Gally walked into the pact of santas... any one of them could harbor ill intent.... pwnyy had turned his santa disguise into a massive scapegoat!

    Gally's shield reappears!

    Gally: EXPLOSION!!!!!

    Only one santa is left standing, and Gally is still a three star (despite using his same tactics)

    Gally: Found you...80 more seconds... act now... while you still have the advantage!

    pwnyy: I bring gifts!

    To be continued....
  • This was just in case people were curious about what happened after the 'To be continued...'
    Thanked by 2 pwnyy Stranger_Butts
  • edited April 2019
  • edited April 2019
    You have a creative mind HH14

  • You're sick bro XD
    Love it though ;)
  • jus wait 80 more seconds XD
    Thanked by 2 HASHARAHHA14 Gally
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