Dear GOB friends and enemies: I must announce that I am departing GOB forever. Over the last ten months I have met some cool people and played alongside some of the best users. I've also met a lot of trolls who weren't so nice. I learned all I could about this game and honed my skills to the point where I could play competitively and win most of the time.
But, I am at the point where the game is no longer appealing. It is a huge time sink and tremendously addictive, and I'm definitely losing more than I'm gaining if I choose to stay. I won lots of pluto. I won lots of gold medals. I killed countless users, over and over again. I've learned the mechanics of this game inside and out. There is very little left to accomplish, besides being atop the leaderboard.
Alas, it is time to say bye-bye! I hope all of you eventually muster the courage to walk away from this game and get back to what's truly important -- your real life!!!