Very Important Question!

edited November 2018 in The Game
Having recently begun playing on the RU server I have encountered a particular user named "pvvnyy" who seems to have no shortage of perks. She consistently uses the shield, flame and rocket perk combination despite never going for the red boxes. How is it possible that this user has so many perks? Did she buy them with plutonium or coins? Can you even buy straight flame perks without buying the treasure chests? Since her kill to death ratio is unusually low I would hazard a guess that she has been using this combination of perks for years and years now.

I'm just curious because it seems unfair that this user can overpower just about anyone else in the game simply because she has these perks, and unless she or anyone else can give me a reasonable answer I will assume she gained them illegally.
Thanked by 1 server_down


  • edited November 2018
    yes they bought them. And I think you'll find that this user can overpower most players even without those perks. They are one of the most skilled players in the game - then click "All Time".
  • Gally wrote: »
    They are one of the most skilled players in the game - then click "All Time".

    Aren't we forgetting the MOST IMPORTANT thing here?
    Jimmy Scissors is the 522nd BEST PLAYER OF ALL TIME.

    This changes everything.

    *clears throat & steps up to podium..

    "I'd like to thank God.... my fellow players.... the game designers & moderators....
    But most importantly..... YOU ..... I couldn't have done it without you...."

    *wipes tear

    *crowd applauds

  • Thanks man, it means a lot. *squints eyes* - wait a second! Jimmy!! let's talk about this!-

    *A man was attacked that day, by an ointment theif. *


    Name: Jimmy_Scissors
    Description of event:

    hash: "I don't really want to talk about this...."
    reporter: "Can you please just describe one more time what he looked like?"
    hash: "Urgh... He had on a helmet like he usual does, he's not one for skins.... he was on the podium... but then-" *hash breaks down into tears*
    reporter: "but then what!??!"

    (Soccerballruff comes out of a goal)

    SR: "Ha! Ha! Free at last, time to get back into business"
    reporter: "Excuse me sir, were you here at this goalie by the podium?"
    SR: "Why yes, I was."
    reporter: "Can you give me a report of what happened?"
    SR: "No"
    reporter: "Excuse me?"

    *SR begins to shake, re-living the horrors that he had seen*
    SR: "Buck this! I thought I was a monster!"
    *SR dashes for the goal, but stops midway*
    SR: "It's.... not enough"
    *SR then goes for a abyss, but is stopped at the last second*

    By whom?.... well the soccerball expert of course!

    - Gally enters the scene -
    A man part robot, part human... sometimes a camera as well...
    Gally: "SR, calm down man. It'll be alright, he can not hurt you any longer.... just come here, we will put this behind us"
    SR: "Really?..." *sniffles*
    *SR moves closers*
    Gally: "jajajajjajajaja"
    *SR is pushed into the goal*
    hash: "Gooooooaaaal!!!"
    *the reporter, and Gally both look at hash... while raising their eyebrows*
    hash: *cough* "Excuse_me, I'll be going back to being traumatized..."
    *hash starts dancing in the corner of the map*

    reporter: "Can someone please just tell me what happened?"
    Gally: "I warn you, this is graphic footage"
    *Gally takes the VHS tape out of his camera, and wills a TV into existence... playing the video for the reporter*

    the reporter sees leprechauns... magical farts... ointments... chaos.... an ever changing cascade of terror... and aura of the unpredictable
    merely emanating off of the Jimmy Scissors....

    -Jimmy scissors appears out of nowhere!-
    Jimmy_Scissors: "Did somebody say ointments?"
    Jimmy_Scissors: "That's such a fun word"
    *Jimmy slowly walks toward the reporter and Gally*

    *Gally stands there, unyielding... not a trace of fear to be seen, but the reporter is obviously shaken*

    Gally: "Come down, stand right here... yess.... you'll be safe"
    *Gally pushes the reporter into the goal*
    hash: "Gooaaaaaaal!!!!!"

    Jimmy_Scissors: "So? It's just me and you isn't it?"
    hash: "slowly backs away"
    Gally: "I believe we have some unfinished business.... jimmy"

    *two tubes of ointment appear in Jimmy's hand as he charges at Gally*
    *Gally quickly starts kicking bombs towards jimmy, and uses a rainboom to blind him*
    Jimmy_Scissors: "Hey!!! You think your the only one... with that kind of power?"
    Jimmy_Scissors: "HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
    *4 pots of gold appear, opening a fourth dimension in rainbow pathways*
    Gally: "Oh? So you mastered it huh? Well I guess I should stop holding back then...."
    Jimmy_Scissors: "What do you me-"

    *Jimmy barely dodges a nuke right at his location*

    Gally: "jajajajjajajaja"
    Gally: "You have no idea, who you are dealing with here!"

    *Jimmy begins to shake in excitement, he had never been pushed so far in a battle before*

    *hash appears on the other side of the map (he had backed up so far, that he ended up right in the action*
    hash: "Dammit! Every single time.... welp"
    *hash cracks knuckles, then pops his neck - he walks toward them slowly, with an aura of a god*
    hash:"What's that right there?"
    *hash points off in the distance*
    *Gally and Jimmy both look*
    *hash uses hash energy to get the hell out of there*

    *The battle continues*

    Who will win? Gally or Jimmy? Find out next time...

    To be continued.... (probably not xD)
  • haha. Lawd have mercy :)
    Thanked by 2 HASHARAHHA14 Gally
  • Better than Hashirama v. Madara

    *Sets up popcorn stand outside map*
    Thanked by 1 Jimmy_Scissors
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