I dont see any announcement or post about this, so i make it myself.
1. Chat
Ya, it is clearly so everyone can notice it firstly. Chat now has 3 modes: consored, unconsored and no chat. I dont remember what we are allowed to write in each mode, cause i see it only one time :S I think they made it so players have somewhere to swear or quarrel, and reduce mods' responsibility of muting players, and bla bla i dont know. This chat makes me uncomfortable cause i have to switch mode to see all talks. And i cant know where people be now. If they split chat, they should add something to see where players be. Add number of people in each mode is better, but cant be the best. So complex.
2. Remove referral program.
They did it, finally. I think the reason is that they dont want people make fake account for plutos anymore. Luckily they dont remove pluto be taken. I wonder what will happen if a player in my referral program reach necessary rank, can i get plutos? Guess not.
3. Shield.
Shield in monster room is no longer available in mix room. It makes me surprise.. But i think it make game better and more fair, cause they cant run in monster to get shield and come back to kill. I dont know if it also works with blue flame too? Like in flag room?
4. Goal and balls.
Flame cant affect on balls through abyss anymore. It means you have to place bombs next to ball, and there is no abyss betwwen that, so you can affect this ball. (Sorry for my english..) It will make sroce balls harder, especially with jumping ball, and with this goal map.

it stucks...
I dont like it. I dont know what is advantage of this update.
I know people hope for updates like desktop client or less laggy, me too. But knowing that they still do something, still work on this game project is a good news, i think. Thanks developers ~ Keep going guys ~
I'm getting used to the chat format, but as you said, it's annoying not knowing who is in what chat. And also having to switch chats to see what people are saying.
The other two changes listed seem reasonable.
I haven't tested this myself, but I heard that pacifism perk got nerfed. Don't quote me on that though.
I meme and make jokes for entertainment, but I'm happy that people are still putting effort into this game.
Edit: I can confirm that Pacifism has been nerfed immensely. 4 bombs, 4 flames maximum. Let us rejoice. By far the best part of the update.
I love pacifisim, it is a sad news for me
One more update is selection in setting: "Don't store a log of my chat messages for more than 2 weeks." Hm, not sure what it for?
Sorry for the delayed announcement.
It's definitely an old and rare bug. This part of the game hasn't been changed and I couldn't reproduce it. Explosions kick balls over the abyss just like before.