As it is, chat rules are (almost) useless...

edited May 2018 in The Game
It's always the same players who breaks the chat rules.
And because moderators can't be present everytime, please @Excuse_Me @Hackerham implement real punishments... muting twice longer everytime without maximum duration!
And if they leave the game, I guess it won't be a big loss (I'm sure they are, nor will ever be, donators...).

Against trolls, you could also do something like rewarding, with plutonium for example, players (with a mininum level) denouncing broken rules when no moderator is there.
With a page for it, it could be easier than discussing everytime with mods...

Furthermore, I think this could stop trolls from trolling about perks/cheating/pay to win/fake win/...., since by doing this the others will be able get some pluto :smile:. (it would be another way to get some free pluto).
And to avoid abuse (of fake denunciations), record the reports, for the moderators to be able to warn before prohibiting denunciation (with a delay doubling each time, like the one for the mute).

I don't like to mute players. But even doing so, the other players taking part in the discussion with the troll(s) maintain the chat full...
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