Win some pluto with a fun little contest

edited December 2017 in The Game
Hi everyone! It's time for a little contest!

I saw this Christmas raffle on the forum and wanted to do a little something of my own.

I want to give away some pluto and make a fun little contest that everyone should be able to participate in.
I do want to put in a few constraints in so that people don't use multiple accounts to join. So you've got to be at least level 3 and have joined the forum at least 1 day ago.
  1. 1st place: 150 pluto
  2. 2nd place: 100 pluto
  3. 3rd place: 50 pluto
  4. Participation prize: 10 pluto

So what is the contest?
Create any winter/holiday/new years themed Game of Bombs piece of media.
You can draw a picture, take a screenshot, write a nice little story and anything else you can think of. Anything you want to do I'm totally cool with, the rules for what constitutes media is very loose.

I will be looking through the posts and the post that I find most heartfelt/funny/beautiful or whatever will win first place, runner ups will get second and third.
Because I'm sure I'll feel like everyone's post deserves to win I'm going to give everyone who didn't win a participation prize.

Just to set the mood, here's quick little thing I made

Happy holidays everyone and good luck!

( I'm pretty late with posting this thread and everyone is probably pretty busy so this contest will end on Januari 7th.)


  • I do not have much creativity to make history. :(
    Thanked by 2 Gally Hagelslag
  • Bobbyz wrote: »
    I do not have much creativity to make history. :(

    If you try I'm sure you'll surprise yourself with your ideas :)
  • I do not want any prizes [please give to other players] But here is my christmas video GoB style-
  • @Gally I'm subscribed to your channel, I've seen
    Thanked by 2 Gally Hagelslag
  • Enjoy! Happy Festivus from my avatars babies ;)

  • This was a great idea :smile: it's a pity more people didn't see it :neutral:
    Happy Christmas dudes.
    @Hagelslag : I didn't get time to make anything but respect to you for doing something fun & pro-active.
    Thanked by 2 Hagelslag server_down
  • alright well heres my attempt:


    At the annual Bombers Of America mission briefing on Dec 1st 2020, as the new recruits were coming in to the tent on the outskirts of the frozen battlefield, admiral Unstable sat at the far edge of the meeting table. As the recruits began to take their seats the admiral noticed one of the recruits missing. as he went to each recruit to ask if they had seen him each one shrugged and did not know where he was. but there was one member that, when the admiral came to him, said " sir can we just get on with this. we have enough men here so why do we need anyone else" the admiral ignored him and went out to find him. as he went out into the blizzard he noticed a lump in the snow. as the admiral went to help him up he said his name was Trigger and he had a black eye. the admiral took him to the medical tent and got him healed then took him back to the meeting. the recruit that said that to the admiral was named warfare he gave the Trigger an evil look then the meeting began. "ok men I know that you dont have any previous battle expereince but thats what im here for along with colonel Blaster we are here to test your endurance and strength on the feild of battle. alright men lets move to the training hall and begin ur test. as the team moved toward the training hall across from the tent the tent door had a blue flare bomb thrown through it and knocked out admiral unstable and killed the recruits except for Trigger and Warfare along with colonel Blaster and two other recruits. the team headed for a hidden bunker under the tent as the wall of the tent was burned by another bomb. they were under attack by the Boom Brigade, their sworn enemy, led by the infamous marshal Malfunction. the team raided their tent and stole their perks they found a chest with 2000 pluto inside, and stole it as well. the BOA were useing the powerups that were stashed in the bunker but had no more perks except for a miners luck that warfare swiped. " alright men it seems we will have to do some battle training so get ready our opponent is tough but i believe in our team" as the team left the bunker a recruit named Backfire went up to Trigger and said " dont worry buddy i got ur back, all warfare cares about is himself" as the team headed out they saw that the brigade had set detonation bombs. trigger had no idea how to fight but Backfire told him about the kicking powerup. but then warfare burst through the feild triggering the bombs as he ran through laughing and yelling "you gotta do better then that brigade if you wanna get me hahaha" but then the recruit was faced with an evil hamster and ran back to the others. "they caught me off guard is all" Malfunction laughed as he said "wow what a bigshot he will be easy prey". the brigade then launched a trick or treat bomb. as it landed at their feet the recruit named Pin kicked the bomb back and severly damaged the brigades hamster. the hamster planted a nuclear bomb and the team scattered. Warfare shoved Trigger into the bomb and yelled "bad luck noob leave it to the pros" but as Trigger fell toward the bomb someone threw him a sheild and he was saved from the blast. his savior was none other then Admiral Unstable. "come on kid dont let him get the best of you". Trigger thanked him for the save and asked him how he survived the blue flare blast the admiral responded with "it takes more than that to kill me" . the colonel called the team back to the bunker to regroup and replan their attack. alright before we go I will say that Warfare you need to calm down and work with our team (as said in halo reach) we dont need a lone wolf. ok team move out and keep on your toes this wont be an easy battle.
  • after i think about the rest of the story i will finish it but thats what i have so far.
    Thanked by 2 Hagelslag Gally
  • edited January 2018
    so earlier this morning i made a little Dr. Seuss type story for @kirz90 , so now i decided to share it with you guys:
    there once was a little girl name Kirz, who ruled gob land,
    but guests had other ideas, so they came up with a plan,
    so they attacked the kingdom, and stowed the princess far away,
    but fear not little girl, allyally will save the day.
    she fought the guests with all her might,
    to the point they cower in fear and ran away in fright.
    hooray hooray, the town people began to yell,
    For today was the day that all the guests fell.

    Let me know if you guys liked it. :)

  • Before i finish the story let me tell you who im using in my story
    Trigger: BombKirby
    Warfare: _MMORPG_
    Admiral Unstable: Jimmy_scissors
    Pin: Slayie
    Backfire: Player145
    Colonel Blaster: CrashMaxxXx
    Marshal Malfunction: Jack193875
    BoomBrigade: made up of guests

    heres the rest of my story hope u enjoy! :smile:


    As the battle waged on the BoomBrigade army was becoming weak and losing team members. But as the brigade was weakening the BOA was stealing back their perks and gaining strength. Victory seemed near for the BOA...
    Admiral unstable came back into the bunker and said " ok we almost have them beat but now we need to cross over no-bombers-land so gear up with what we have left and lets move out" as the team trecked across the ice covered wasteland they saw the entrance to the BoomBrigade fort, with 2 guests outside guarding the door. Pin planted a minebomb and kicked it toward the door and took out the door and the guests. all the guests did was stare at the bomb so thats y they blew up. pin laughed and said "wow no wonder we r winning hahaha" the team carefully entered the fort and saw the stockpiled perks and plutonium they had. as they ventured into the fortress blue flare bombs rained down from above and caused chaos. the team rushed behind the solid concrete block for protection. blaster calmly said "ill go outside and around the back of the fort and blow up the other side. "I will go along with you" said backfire and warfare, "alright then lets go but be careful they might have set traps along the way". as blasters team headed out to go around the forrtress, unstables team continued to slip through the fort annihilating the guests that they encountered along the way. as they began to reach the enemy barracks they encountered an army of a dozen guests. then pin walked toward the guests weaponless. unstable yelled "no stop what are u doing ur gonna get killed!" but Trigger looked closely and saw a nuclear bomb perk in pins hand. when the admiral saw the perk he said "it was an honer having u soldier u will be remembered." then pin said to Trigger: "i was glad to work alongside you good bye friend" Trigger had a teardrop in his eye as he and unstable ran out of the barracks to find cover. BOOOOM the barracks were eliminated along with the guests and a huge crater was left where Pin stood before the explosion. Trigger placed a cross at where Pin stood and they continued toward the head office to find malfunction and put an end to the BoomBrigade once and for all. Blasters team made their way around the fort when Backfire noticed a cave in the distance. as the team approached the cave they saw that they needed a key to unlock it, warfare had a key but he wasnt about to help the team. the team decided to leave and begin to blow up the back of the fort. unstable and Trigger had made it to the control room where malfunction stand observing the surveillance cameras. "well done admiral, it seems to be that you have almost beaten me, which was unforseen" "and we are here to kill you so this madness will end". as malfunction turned around he had a switch in his hand. "alright well come get me but u better be quick my reinforcements are on their way" Trigger said to unstable "if they get here we wont stand a chance" as the back wall exploded " dont worry we will help fight!" blasters team joined the fight. "lets take him down!" malfunction laughed and said " oh i see u brought friends but it wont help you my back up has just arrived!" an army of radioactive guests barged in from the front door and surrounded unstable and Trigger. Back fire noticed Warfare sneaking out the back with the key and Backfire went after him. "im getting out of here! i dont wanna die today cya suckers but first ill steal whatevers in here' as he unlocked the gate he saw a giant snow ball in front of a goal. "what the heck is this?"
    " its our chance at victory" said Backfire. "now leave my sight you backstabbing chicken" Warfare nearvously said "ok yeah so it was me who hit trigger ok and yes i had a key the whole time but im just looking out for #1 so stay away or your gonna die" Backfire threw a dizzybomb and hit Warfare and knocked him out cold. he rolled the snow ball into the fort and crashed through the guests and caught Trigger inside and kicked him toward the goal in the cave. "NOOOO dont let him score!!!" the guest army raced after the snowball but it was too late. an explosion occured and Trigger emerged but he was dressed like santa. "alright time to spread some christmas cheer" he obliterated the guest army and blasted malfunction in the middle of the crater where Pin died. "come on now you know you cant kill me!" yeah i cant but christmas can as color bombs blew up and burned malfunction into ash "merry christmas malfunction"

  • Admiral Unstable: Jimmy_scissors

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • why don't yall put this post in the new users section?? gotta be a load of noobs there would love to win some pluto.
    Thanked by 2 CrashMaxxXx Hagelslag
  • I have an epilogue too

    EPILOGUE: as the fight ended the team returned to the HQ to a heros welcome. After the ceremony Warfare was dishonorably discharged and was never seen again. The BoomBrigade fort was rebuilt and made into the new BOA HQ. Trigger went on to win many more wars with the help of Backfire. Unstable had an honerable discharge after the Brigade war. Blaster went on to keep training the new recruits and Trigger came in occasionally to teach the rookies techniques for battle. The BoomBrigade was no longer a threat after Malfunction was killed.

  • edited January 2018
    First of all, sorry about the delay! I didn't realise I'd be away from home during the 7th and wouldn't be able to end the contest on that day :sweat_smile:. But here I am and I will finally choose the winners of this contest.

    I'm really thankful to all the people who took the time to enter this contest and made these awesome entries. What I enjoy during the cold winter seasons is the positivity, camaraderie and selflessness that people show. It really warms my heart. (I also get really sappy! Can you tell? :lol: )

    But without further ado, here's the winners of this contest.
      [1st place] @whatthebomb
      [2nd place] @BombKirby
      [3rd place] @CrashMaxxXx

    I really enjoyed @whatthebomb 's drawing, the majestic look of that pony had me in tears. Thank you for making it!

    @BombKirby 's story was great. I thoroughly enjoyed reading lines like "An army of radioactive guests" (which sounds like absolute madness without context) but also the tearjerker "i was glad to work alongside you good bye friend" moments. Thank you for making it!

    Sadly my childhood had a severe lack of Dr. Seuss but reading that story still brought a smile to my face, well written! Thank you for making it!

    I hope everyone enjoyed this contest and maybe I'll do one of these contests again in the future (but with a little more planning :sweat_smile:).
  • The prizes have just been sent out, congrats again to the winners!

    Also, congrats to @Jimmy_Scissors for winning a participation prize with his (and i quote) "Happy Christmas dudes".
    I told you all that the rules for this contest where very loose :smile:. All that was really needed was some winter cheer :wink:.
  • thx man! hope to participate in another!
  • ha! how cool is that? cheered me up today when dealing with some nonsense.
    hagelslag - i tip my scissor hat to you. respect & thanks.
    enjoy your plutos whatthebomb, kirby & maxx :)
  • man this really made my day. i didnt think my story was that good. i made it up along the way
    but im glad to spread the cheer to all. thats my present to u all
  • @Hagelslag you're a good man :)
    Hope you enjoyed your holidays
    All the best bro <3
  • @Hagelslag dude i know you had to use money to get the pluto for the contest. and I will say that it was totally worth it! keep on rocking bro
    Thanked by 1 Hagelslag
  • I died in the story.. xD
    Thanked by 1 Hagelslag
  • yeah sry ;)
    but u died to protect the others. so it was honerable
    Thanked by 1 Hagelslag
  • edited January 2018
    Thank you very much @Hagelslag !!!
    I have been slow to respond to give you what you deserve
    I hope you like it

  • edited January 2018
    Hahahahaha! That's just awesome, very accurate too!
    That really made my day! Thank you so much!

    I hope you don't mind that I made it my profile picture :smiley:.
    Thanked by 2 whatthebomb Gally
  • Hagelslag wrote: »
    Hahahahaha! That's just awesome, very accurate too!
    That really made my day! Thank you so much!

    I hope you don't mind that I made it my profile picture :smiley:.

    An honour, a pleasure
  • wow we need more players like you guys :)
    Thanked by 2 Hagelslag Gally
  • Every one of these people i like ;)
  • oh better than some other players not naming names ;)
    Thanked by 2 Hagelslag Gally
  • 4 months later
  • @Hagelslag Damn I'm a little bit late for that, right? That was MY CHANCE to get some of these plutos but I missed the contest >.<
    Thanked by 3 Gally ham Hagelslag
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