Hmm... what title for this?

Abuse power of admin. New perk, ban, the icon like shit their head. And they call it fair?

s2.png 520.6K


  • @BestVietNamese please read Games & Forum rules before posting such things
    I'm sure that if you contact @Gally directly he will reply and explain you what need to be explained
    Thank you
  • Yes but he is troll.

    For those who don't know that is the new +1 to squads perk that I am supposed to test as part of my role as Admin. In other words, not only is not an abuse of power but it part of my responsibilities. Moreover the perk does not power me up in any way, all it does is allow 1 more player to enter my squad. My squad is usually empty so as yet I have not seen if it works or not. 2 to 3 players is most for my squad so far iirc.

    But as i stated it does not power me up any, so yes it is fair...
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