Plut Radiation Perk

I randomly thought up of this after getting Plut. I would think this would be a good new shot perk to add. Would also be a good anti-pacifist since they tend to be an annoyance when trying to score a goal. Make it spread to everyone just like you touch the plutonium with all the same perks of it. 50-50 jump instead of death and makes all diseases or pacifist obsolete.
Thanked by 1 HASHARAHHA14


  • That is way too overpowered
    Thanked by 1 BabyThanos
  • Radiation poison is a normal effect in the game, not like it gives any super benefit except countering other shots and the pacifist. I'd say they could remove the 50-50 death-jump but then they have to reprogram the disease.
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