I am facing several bugs and just pointing out bugs and suggestions for helpful purpose
1 Ball sticks to portal walls and doesn't come off no matter how much you bomb
2 Plutonium radiation goes off as soon as I took plutonium
3 I died suddenly and said a bot killed me whereas there was no bot nearby and no lag
4 Sometimes similarly near the portal or beside the portal, i see bombs blasts but not from other side just happen here
5 I played several rounds without realizing I had a flower perk active, and it got used up. I was killed easily couple of times as i started then i saw my perk was very less in quantity

5.1 I guess there is no way to buy specific perk
5.2 Used up perks cannot be restored
5.3 Or atleast make the perk last the whole round without ending it on death
5.4 If excessive perks can be sold for plutonium that would be very very helpful
6 If the sidebar can be minimized that would make my gameplay very much awesome, believe me the chat is not necessary for all... just a button to slide it aside
I will add more as I remember, thanks for reading...
Thank you for the advise but the problem is the perks are random, lets say I only want flower perk, so I was just hoping that they let users buy individual perks with money or plutonium
I hear you but you can buy *some* perks if you spend pluto on them. [as per video].
To get miner's luck i think it is most efficient to buy the silver chest for 5000 coin and do that many, many times
Checked it: for those who picked up plutonium, radiation remains until the character's death. It may disappear if you have a shield a is hit by a bomb (permanent radiation is replaced by temporary armor effect), or maybe if you are stunned in PvM room. That's normal. Maybe it may disappear in some other rare circumstances that I can't think of.
It was happening in the first days after the update, then I thought it was fixed. Let me know if it is still happening now.
1 instance of perks such as "Miner's luck" is used per round, regardless of how many times you die and how long you play. If you observe the whole round without entering the field, then no perks are used up in this round.
That perk probably disappeared after your character's death because you deactivated it before death. Activation/deactivation of perks takes effect upon respawn (and no more than once per round).
Perks exist to be used. If you have excess of perks, you can use them. Of course, you are free not to use them, but the game won't provide any reward for that, such as plutonium.
Yep, it can be useful for some players, but it won't be added in the current interface. In the desktop client, perhaps (it'll have mostly new interface).