Cute bears are ready to jump into the fray!

These awesome sprites are made made by
A limited time offer: save 5 plutonium on the first bear skin purchased!
(this brings the minimal bear skin cost down to 30 plutonium during the initial offer)
And don't forget about our previous skin update -
dinosaurs made by
Their minimal price is also lowered down to 30 plutonium.
To see new skins in the game, refresh the page (press CTRL+F5).
These skins are available in the constructor. To use them, do the following:
- select "Skins" in the game menu;
- select "Skin Constructor" tab at the top of the page;
- select the desired skin type use green arrows near < Skin Type >
- choose items and color that you like at the bottom of the page and click on the green button with plutonium cost on it.
After you purchase colors and item in the skin constructor, they become yours forever, so you can mix and match them to change a skin as many times as you like without spending plutonium.
Bear Skin Gally's first look
how much did it cost?
Using the minimum amount of custom colors, the amount of pluto to make the skin for me was 190.
I second this! This is an adorable idea haha
We don't plan to improve the constructor for now; the other projects have higher priority. If anyone wants to draw this hat or anything else for the constructor, write me in Inbox. I'll give existing sprite-sheets, explain how to test it and add you plutonium for the work.
The action discount on the bears has ended.
I have submitted a hat-sample to @Excuse_Me. Maybe we will get a new hat shortly
Edited: yep, it is a bit of offtopic here.
So it was a bit off topic
But I do love the bears, but I do not think I will get one quite yet, as I am currently working on other things.