Dev Server bug(?)

I tested out the dev server and had a soccer ball with an indicator pointing straight to pvvnys room. So far so good - I threw the ball on the spot marked in the image:

However it blew up once it touched the ground - which was not quite what I expected. Not sure if thats intended.
Thanked by 1 Gally


  • It may have teleported to some random part of the map. Jetpack into the portal and see what happens. : p
    Thanked by 1 Gally
  • Oh okay - but in that case the animation should be different (some sort of fading) - atm it is the same as when the ball hits a cactus and 'blows up'
    Thanked by 2 pwnyy Gally
  • If the portals are the same as the regular dev server portals you can't throw balls into the portal, it gives you the same outcome as throwing the ball into a black space, or hitting a cactus.
    Thanked by 2 Gally pwnyy
  • @newbie87120 is correct.

    Here is an old video (Apr 5, 2014) showing lobbing bombs into portal -

    Here is an old video (May 30, 2014) jetpack into portal

    Looks like i never bothered making one batting a soccerball, but it is similar to bomb.
    Thanked by 1 pwnyy
  • Ah, I hadn't tested that yet. Thanks! : )
    Thanked by 1 Gally
  • edited April 2017
    It's not really a bug, but yeah, it's counter-intuitive and confuses players. Maybe we'll implement some better solution.
    You can read a long explanation about portals here, it'll make more sense.
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