When you submit a new skin to the shop, you receive:
- A percent of plutonium from each sale of this skin (the more people buy your skin, the more you'll get).
- Free use of this skin for a limited time.
The amount depends on the share of your own work in the skin:
- if you've found a skin in the Internet and made a short description: free use for a week + 3% of plutonium for 1 year;
- if you've found a skin in the Internet, made a short description, config and testing (if it's required, see below): free use for a week + 5% of plutonium for 1 year;
- if you've edited a skin: free use for 2 weeks + 5%-10% of plutonium for 1 year;
- if you've used existing sprites for some sides of the skin and drawn the others: free use for 1-2 months + 15-20% of plutonium for 2 years;
- if you've drawn a skin from scratch: free use for 2 months + 25% of plutonium for 2 years;
Simple math:
If you find a skin in the Internet and write a few sentences (which takes only a few minutes), you'll receive 2-4 plutonium each time someone buys it, which might result in dozens of plutonium over a year.
If you draw a skin, you'll receive 15-40 plutonium each time someone buys it. Over two years it might result in hundreds of plutonium. If you and 3 other people buy this skin, you virtually get it for free.
Royalties are paid once a week and displayed in the profile:

Counting years starts from the moment the skin is added to the shop for the first time. A royalty may be shared between co-authors.
After submitting several good skins, you get an additional choice of either receiving royalty for new skins or instantly getting them forever. The quantity of submitted skins required to get this option depends on their quality, coolness and share of your work in them. Skins submitted long time ago count too, so old good authors already have this status.
Before making a skin of some character,
check if we already have this character in the shop. We can accept alternative version of an existing skin only if it's significantly better or more interesting. If you're unsure, ask about it before starting drawing.
Copyright policy
We do not accept skins taken from other games unless they have a license that permits it.
Currently, we have a license to use skins that come with RPG Maker. However it doesn't cover skins made for RPG Maker by a 3rd party.
Please, don't send us sprites of an unknown origin found in the Internet, almost all of them get rejected for copyright reasons.
Required information
- The skin itself (a .png image or an URL).
- A working skin config. Config and testing are not required if:
- you drew a skin yourself, but can't make a config yet (then we'll make a config for you so you can test it);
- the skin is not edited by you, has a standard layout and came from a source where skins have proven quality.
- A short description in English that contains:
- if it is a character from some franchise - the name of the character and its TV show/game/comics/etc.;
- clearly state whether the skin is drawn by you from scratch, uses some existing sprites or you submit sprites made by someone else;
- if you've used any sprites made by someone else - the URL of a page where you've found it (not a URL of an image!) and what kind of license does it have;
If you lie about authorship (present someone's work as your own), all the royalties will be taken back (even if you've already spent them) and you'll lose the right to submit skins forever. In case there is any doubt about authorship, please save a few intermediate versions of your work.
You can send skins to me via the Inbox (if you've partially drawn it, better send it here) or to
@Gally (if you find it and didn't edit it considerably, better send it here).
Please do not send letters to skins@gameofbombs.com for now; we have temporary problems with this email and can't reply from it.
You can also make new items for the skin constructor. You'll receive them forever and in addition instantly receive a fixed amount of plutonium (depending on the item complexity and amount of fixing required). Making new items for the constructor requires some collaboration to make them compatible with the existing sprites and quality requirements are also higher than for complete skins. If you're interested, write to
And don't forget about an
exclusive personal skin 
- the order of rows directions: top, right, down, left;
- if sprites for left direction are identical to the mirrored sprites for right direction (including shadows and blinks), don't use the row for left direction (so the order of rows directions is: top, right, down) and use "animMirrorLeft": true option;
- the order of rows directions: bottom, left, right, top;
- only 4 rows;
- only 3 or 4 columns;
- cell sizes only 32*32, 32*48, 48*48, 64*64.
Look at the examples of different layouts in the skin testing tool below.
Unpack the archive and open index.html. Click on any skin on the field and move it by pressing arrows or make it run in place by pressing the spacebar.
It has examples of all types of skins (images in "skins" folder) and their configs with comments (in "entities.js" text file). Add your own skins to the "skins" folder, copy existing configs in "entities.js", edit them to match your skins, save the file and reload the page.
if you make it like these
tells her better not to send skins