girafales wrote: »
Wait a minute. What's the name of this game, again?
Please, read it out LOUD: Game Of BOMBS. Do you understand what that means?
Try one more time. Now with a very illustrative image, just in case you are mind limited.. may…
Mr_Waffle wrote: »
Nope its just u guys...the server works on my end. Check your firewall or any antivirus blocking ports and domain to the specific gob server
now the server is better
newbie2 wrote: »
Lol, no need to mislead the forumers. You will never be able to kill me because you are one of the weakest 4 star players who earned his rank on low online servers just by scoring goals. 0 skills @Ruffy_). and I'm not stalking you…
In cases considered more serious, they can include a huge diversity of subjects and the person himself has difficulty remembering what is true and what is invention.
birynilo wrote: »
Bot20* wrote: »
Mac, me explica exatamente qual o problema, pq vc reclama, reclama, me manda msg e eu não entendo nada
Let me summarize all those posts for you once and for all
why do you chase 3 servers??
birynilo wrote: »
Tive uma ideia.. Quem sabe vai dar um pulo na cozinha e vai lavar a louça pra fazer algo útil hoje?
vc tinha sumido o servidor era bom, agora vc chegou ficou um lixo
Eu quero ser mod, vontade propria. Não pode punir uma pessoa ''inocente''.
@YURITHEWINNER manda varias mensagem o sobre uns jogadores.
Vou muta msm. Isso um moderador competente faz
Eu tinha mandado mensagem no privado do @birynilo . O @Yaeow jogando server EU, ate mandei print pra ele. Ainda cara pau dizer estava lag no jogo.
Não sou idolatra, não puxo saco de amigos. Sou pessoa sempre avisa.