
Hope you all doing well.
So, recently many players were finding it hard to play the game because of the use of the BOSS perk (Spider Transformation) by a single player in multiple rounds consecutively on the same server.
Surely, perks are the part of the game and BOSS is also a part of the game. But bosses also don't appear regularly or too frequently. Also if the player has the perk it's his right to use it. But using the perk as above mentioned made it hard for players to play the game normally.
Maybe (according to me) there should be a limit on the boss perk like we can use it after every 3-4 rounds and not in consecutive rounds on the same server.
( Few were also suggesting that make it a normal perk so that it is available to all ) ( Well, maybe 1 of the boss perk (Spider Transformation) can be available to all )
What are the views of admins and players on this issue, kindly share your thoughts.
Thank You!
И это очень мешает даже таким игрокам, которые меньше охотятся и собирают монетки или же забивают мячи. Сейчас такое прекрасное время игры. Новый год, Санта и шары с подарками. Но это не возможно реализовать, когда на поле появляется игрок с перком Босса каждый раунд.
Возможно стоит рассмотреть отмены этого перка полностью (компенсируя плутом удаления перка) или же частично ограничивая его использование. Может 1 раз в час/5 раз в сутки.
Хотелось бы услышать мнение @Excuse_Me по этому поводу.
- A hitbar of approximately 10 lives
- The ability to spawn additional spiders which pester the players, but not the perk-user
- The constant use of the spider-web perk, which locks everyone into place, allowing for players to die easily ( this perk should be nerfed by itself, since it is used way too much in plut farming as it disrupts the load time)
- A constant short bomb detonation time
- Once the perk is used it stays active for a whole round
- The perk can be used over and over and over in consecutive rounds
I feel like this shouldnt exist in the first place, since it ruins the game for everyone else playing on that server. As for the user - i dont know what fun it brings them to waste other people's time like that.
I would suggest implementing a time-limit for the usage of particular perk or something like that.
он того что этот игрок юзает трансформацию каждый раунд
The joagores use the right spider web: @_XOMKA_KILLER_, @ NO1_Goalkeeper, @ FR7007. all use the spider web
#1: I personally don't think it's hard to play the game because of the use of the BOSS perk (Spider Transformation) by a single player in multiple rounds consecutively on the same server. In fact I enjoy getting abused by _z_ , one of the best player i ever seen in my life or in GOB. In fact, I developed more skills or knowledge how to play the game to avoid getting killed by _z_ (so I really appreciated him who helped me a lot).
#2: The perk is currently not available to many others, I personally would suggest to have it open to ALL players, as the game hasn't updated a lot recently. Adding new feature would definitely bring more new players to GOB, increasing its popularity.
#3: Stop trying to avoid the issue! If you think web perk or spider transformation make a player hard to play (to score football or get pluto), then you have to build yourself better skill set and make yourself a better well-rounded player. In our life, we always face by challenge, but because of these external challenges that we learn how to grow and live in a society. Avoiding the issue doesn't resolve the root cause of the issue!
Re: Spider Boss perk. I forget how one gets it, but iirc it can no longer be gotten, so after the player has used up all their perks of it, it will not be available to them.
Bullshit. I say they make the Evil Hamster a usable perk just like the spider and we all use it at once. Why should normal players exist and compete fairly, when we can all be overpowered monsters that rain sh*t down upon one another? Screw balancing the game, lets just make more faceroll mechanics like this one and massacre one another senselessly until we get bored and the game finally dies.